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[Mod Request] Body Mesh Type A/B Reforge


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This is a wishlist type request because I'm happy with my Type A/B character choices, but I would really like to see the slender option of the player model have a male version, and also a female version for the heavier option while were at it.


I'm very new to DS - when I first saw the slender option in the character creator I was like omg finally... but then I felt kinda dumb realizing it was just phrasing. I'm looking to make the options more like what I thought they were providing at first, i.e. an option to make a very slender male character that resembles myself, minus the shortness I guess.


I have only pretty slim experience modding assets in Dragon's Dogma, but I know that mesh stuff is a super-b&@*$ in that game. Is it the same for this version of the engine? Or is this even the same engine family - I don't know. Anyway, that's all I got

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