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Dragon Priest Mod


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If possible, could someone please make dragon priest robes. Please don't just send me a link to konahriks accrountments or dragon priest armor, because I'm well aware of those two mods. I'm after something very similiar to dragon priest armor, but with the a visable robe underneath the armor as oppossed to just seeing skin. I also want to be able to see it in first person. Thanks

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Oh thank you im not the only one, it has really irritated me that the dragon priest armor mods that people made are showing skin. Someone should really make a mod of dragon priest armor WITH the robes and have dragon priest armor for mages, light armor and heavy armor people. Mages can have the robes, light armor people can have leather coved by robes, and finally the heavy armored people can have chain mail but also coved with robes? The hooded part of the armor can show what type of armor it is?

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