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Buildable Bots patrol / self repair mod


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I am a big fan of Buildable Bots by Wilm0chimp, however I think the mod would be greatly improved by introducing two one hopefully basic concept. Maybe in the form of a patch, unless someone is able to get the author's permission and mod files. Possibly problematic, as the last post from them is in 2009.


One of the awesome functions of these bots is that you can tell them to patrol and they will wander around shooting anything that looks at them in a red blip sort of way. However, they have a tendency to be a bit too wandery, and cannot be left to patrol open areas such as Fort Independence (Outcast HQ) or Agatha's hovel.


In RTS by arcoolka (retired) you are able to recruit guards and then assign them patrol routes / areas. Could this system be implemented for Buildable Bots, such that upon selecting Patrol command, it gives you three options of General Patrol (the default type), Route Patrol, or Area Patrol?


Upon looking at the mod files in GECK, it would seem that this was attempted for the Nuka-Cola protectron, so some of the work may already be done.


I have also requested this in the comments section of Buildable Bots, so as to cover all the bases.

Edited by AxlDave
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