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There is any mod to hide your armor and wear another?


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I need a mod like that, for example, if I have a full dwarven armor, there is any mod that can hide that armor without losing his benefits, and then put another armor but only visual? I mean, having the benefits of your armor but the aspect of another, like in the MMORPG when you buy premium clothes. Is this possible? And, if it is, the mod have any other clothes that you can wear? Cause I don't like the clothes that are in skyrim, my char is based on stealth and the best armor I have for that is the Cicero unique armor, but it's ugly.


Thank you all :)

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  • 2 months later...

I have looked around and someone stated to "tick the box in the armor adddon menu to hide what you have equipped" If it is an addon, which one is it please. I am looking for this answer as well. Maybe just a rookie overlook on my end.


I have SKSE and SkyUI installed. <If needed to be known.


Please if anyone can answer. Tyty


Thank you NexusMods Community. Excellent place for mods.

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