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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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i had heard that about them. my uncles freind went to blackwater. i have a dvd for it somewhere.

blackwater also has a high turnover rate if im correct.

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@ Calition,



It's in our nature to destroy.Not just america,but all history is raised around difference,the unacceptance of change,money,power, religious belief,territory. You name it,we humans have fought,killed, and protected these things.


it would be nice in the perfect world for governments to only be there to protect a nation,but in that sense,it would mean that no nation would ever start a fight and that's just not in our nature. Remember that two sides are not destroying each other without reason. We are in Afghanistan because they destroyed an american monument holding thousands of lives,innocents that paid the ultimate price of death,the attack of the pentagon and overall declaration of war on America. In the enemies shoes,they fight for religious belief and are even willing to give their own lives..(think of this for a moment..giving their own self<---) to destroy countless others. Evil we would call them,but evil does not exist,only the perception of evil. we fight and die for what we believe in, as does any other nation we may go to war with.



Taking away the armed forces would not solve anything good for us, It will just leave our country directly open for attack by surrounding desperate war machines anxious to be #1. Neither would weapon law bans, you outlaw guns and we kill each other with knives,you outlaw knives and we kill each other with rocks and stones, you outlaw rocks and we kill each other with spears and so on and so on as history has proved time and time again. It's sad.. i'll agree with that %100 but for the moment it cannot be helped. We will continue to protect and destroy in the name of our countries and the most anyone else can do for themselves and the ones they love is adapt to the situation.

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What's the U.S. Military's Zombie Plan?

i guess "kill em all" and "lets make a fortune for our banks meanwhile" describes it quite well...




what i find fascinating is that the only most people who think armed forces are needed are either power hungry politicans or men in service...


who the heck did ever attack the us for example? who i ask? noone!!! no even the canadians did. :P...

the thing with the british was provoced as was the war with merico, the krauts never got to you before you joined in the war, japan attacked an occupied piece of land, a colony they truly would have deserved to rule over more than you from a strategical standpoint and they wouldnt have attacked if there wouldnt have been like a billion bullets and shells aimed at them, and that 911 attack was obviously not one the taliban or afghani people and neither saddam staged but some lunatic terrorist probably payed by much more sofisticated people than some cave dwellers, armed forces are useless as we see every day to fight terror anyway,

you kill like 100 civilians for 1 alleged terrorist (prolly even more), great ratio... id suggest letting the fbi do a thourough investigation and then send out some cia operatives who take out the real perps (would be a shame if those where to be high ranking us citizens - but well never know as you just blamed some stone age country)


why do you think NK or Iran want and truly need nukes? cause you and your colonial slaves like israel (well youre a slave of the banks that own israel just as they are) threaten them with invasion in every bloody statement...


i agree however that not all armed forces can be disassembled, there is always the possibility of an outside threat or even inside threat, the mafia for example which at leats in some parts can hardly be fought by police alone (see mexica border, russia)


but what i find hardly acceptable is that armed forces most of the time blindly follow the descicions of politicans, politicans who make war for political and financial reasons and not out of need...

whom does it help that you drop bombs on every continent of the world? what onslaught do you prevent? NONE! ZERO! if there is a genocide you barely step in (ruanda, serbia, dafur, etc), if there is a tyrant you do poo (south america, saddam91, UAE, russia, NK, china, etc), if there is unjustice in the world you turn a blind eye (look left and right lol) as most of the time you(the companies your gov supports)) make profit from that unjustice and dont want it gone, often even incited it...

sure youll face descisions on your travels which might seem reasoanble, even honorable to you, like you saved a child from a grenade or somin but do you really think thats an excuse for killing thousands? destroying their homes? sending kids into bloodshed where they see their childhoodfriends die?


im not blaming an individual soldier for what he believes in or what he does, heck all the honor in the world to these brave souls who risk their lives every day believeing they do is the right thing, but blind love for the military definately doesnt make the world a better place for any of us...


rather go out and save some enslaved girls sold into prostitution and shoot the mofos that abduct them, like a few thousands a day, or make sure no industrial complex like coca cola drops poison into our water ressources, take care of banks which rule the world and basicly destroyed any democratic and free rulership in the world for the better of them... sadly ive yet to see a single outfit go after real perps... sorry the SS is long gone and the wehrmacht wasnt really evil... pity... no enemies left? well lets kill some innocent 3rd worlders then... can that be your goal? can it truly be in the interest of our world? i think not... the only times ive seen military do good is after natural disasters when they rush in head first and build dams, shelter, serve medical help and so on but sadly these ops are much too often hindered and crippled by political descicions by those illegitimate leaders who dare to call themselves democratically elected...


do somin good for ones!




i apologize to everyone i may offend with the above statement, thats not my intent i also appologize if you start questoning your doings now and take a bullets due to your diversion, i truly honor as i said earlier the braveness and willingness to do good, but then you also should do good...

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what i find fascinating is that the only people who think armed forces are needed are either power hungry politicans or men in service...

honey,I think they're needed also. In todays world might is right and while I'd rather see it another way,I thank God there's men and women willing to die for not only what they believe in but to protect us as well. I'd rather sleep knowing someones standing a watch,than wait for someone to kick my door in and then find out what its like to receive a .45 hollowpoint from my glock! :biggrin:

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ok, i changed that part honey ;)


but who do you think wants to kick in your door? the taliban? erm.. well... yeah... :rolleyes:

the only ones ive known to kick in doors where the cops and the military of whatever country you desire (not saying gansgters dont do so at all)... id like to see someone kick in my door tho lol... good luck trying, dont break your leg! :D

mid european buildings are kinda sturdy you know ;)

the military at least is not even allowed to protect you in your home in any way... they can stop a foreign army invading your place but how likely is that? its more likely that some mafia dudes will rush in to do whatever they do, watch the game tonight and empty your fridge or somin but my friends are worse in that regards :D

the police aswell is not thougt to prevent crime but to solve cases, and hence they only serve as an exemple if you fail in your crime but not as a protection layer... your .45 is actually the only defense you have agaist common threats and if youre asleep and the perp is not a total moron or wimp its still a pretty useless thing

and even if you shoot him, at least here in krautworld, you would have to show the judge that he was an immediate threat for your life and better even armed with somin worse, an rpg or somin,, we had lots of cases here where a homeowner beat a burglar to pulp and ended up in jail for assault of 1st degree or heavy assault how ist called here... i guess in the us its a bit more realistic and if someone disturbs your sleep he should be prepared to suffer but you still will have to explain yourself and hopefully there was a threat otherwise you might still get indited for manslaughter or neglecting use and ownership of a deadly weapon or firearm, the two together could even be regarded as murder...

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