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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

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    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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so you basicly have no military intelligence? omg... i mean apart fom my peaceloving point of view... if there is a military it should at least have all the intel it needs imo and just sending some planes/drones over an area is not really sufficent...
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Yeah, i don't, i have no interest on such things, at least i have combat intelligence, so i can fight properly with my squad.


But, really... If the OSS is not disbanded, the world maybe would not be like this. And of course, i will join the OSS if they still exist.

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The OSS is more to the Combat Intel Gathering, i think. I do think that the OSS actually are First Allied Soldiers to land on the Atlantic Wall. Sabotaged couple of defenses in the Atlantic Wall.


The only Difference i know between the OSS and the CIA is the OSS recruits Allied Soldiers(Which means British, Poland, China etc....) The CIA only recruits American Citizen.

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the OSS was behind enemy lines long before d-day... and they recruited basicly everyone they could get... thy more or less did what the cia did in vietnam for example... building up and supplying resitance/terrorist groups and leading sabotage missions and such things but in opposition to most of the cias they actually engaged in battle themselves afaik... (some of the more freaky spy equipment seen in james bond movies originates from them)



with "you" i meant all of you... the us americans... no mil intel sigh... i mean ok for you in person only combat intel is important but in the end without proper prebattle intel you wont even know if your battle has any meaning or sense... no wonder you had to level faludja to get just one guy... one or two well trained "spies" could have done that without killing thousands of innocent women, elders and children in a horrible way with banned weapons (or their for legal reasosn renamed counterparts) - and even if theyd failed youd just have lost one or two men and wouldnt have suffered a bunch of seriously wounded and many killed

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Jaysus, what I'm suggesting is that it is better that the CIA be disbanded than to have an agency that actively undermines and imperils US interests - and has done for since its inception. I'm assuming from your post that you seem to think that it is far better that the CIA exists than not. Well, I for the one believe that the entire enterprise is doomed. We are hamstrung by the continued existence of this disgraceful and incompetent organization. Sen. Moynihan (far from a kook) considered this and introduced a bill pursuing this. He felt that the CIA was beyond reform and that it would be necessarry to start again from the beginning by abolishing it. Something which should be reconsidered now following :


  • WTC '93
  • Saudi US Barrack bombings '96
  • US Embassies Africa '98
  • Indian Nuclear Tests '99
  • USS Cole 2000
  • 9/11
  • The existence of actual stockpiles in Iraq (rather than capacity)
  • Ahmed Chalabi/ Iraq national congress fiasco
  • Valerie Plame/ Robert Novak/ Joe Wilson Leak
  • They underestimated Iranian nuclear ambitions (according to the National Intelligence Estimate) and thus prevented any joint international pressure to be placed on Iran
  • Destruction of Torture Evidence


Not to mention its blatant disregard for both domestic and international law. As well as the propogation of the ridiculous view that the CIA is beyond the reach of all forms of political accountability.

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@ Jaysus

About the Military Intelligence:

We really don't need it, Generals do. Some of the Squad Leaders do, i have a little Military Intelligence about Squad Tactics but not Recon. Sometimes, when our platoon is going for a patrol route, the Officers just point it to the map and we do what he says. Simple.


About OSS:

Oh, i thought the OSS weaken the Defenses in the Atlantic Wall. I know they perform operations in Italy, though.


About Recon:

Who likes gathering Intel? Nobody in my squad likes it. When we were told to gather intel, my squadmates kept forgetting what part of the intel we needed and so on.


Man, i do wish the Raiders still exist. Those guys are the Balls of the Marine Corps.

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I actually hate talkin' about the Gov't but, i always think that sometimes CIA has gone to far. But, hey... none of my business!


Still, the OSS is better than the CIA. I think they should reform it again. I'd love to join the OSS



Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim

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My apologies. I meant west, but that's kind of obvious. And theres nothing localized about nuclear war. I grew up with the exact same fears.

I'd also like to apologize for bringing up Germany's history. Every time we back up another step there's always someone else to blame. That s the very thing that pisses me off about this debate.


And as for who was turning what upside down, ask the Kurds and the Shia (or is it Sunis? I can never keep those guys straight). And as for how I finished my last post "Maybe next time". Take a look at the news today. Next time is here. But I'm sure Europe can handle it this time. Or maybe we should just stand back and let the Taliban take over another country. I mean seriously. I don't think Pakistan's nuclear arsenal has the range to reach the US anyway. But what the heck. I don't suppose a bunch of "desert dwellers" as you call them even know how the trigger works.


And if I can't make a "reasonable" argument without calling someone a tard or a slave then perhaps there is something wrong with my argument. But that's just me. If you want to call yourself a eurotard as you put it, that's your choice. Though some of your neighbors might be offended.


And I sure as hell don't go to FOX for anything. All my info comes from my own observations and EXAMINING the evidence that almost exclusively comes from the very web site that thrives on wild speculation about these theories. Why do people think you actually have to "melt" steel to totally fry it's structural qualities? All you have to do is make it lose it's temper.


If you would like to continue the 9/11 debate, I suggest we move this over to Above Top Secret. I have a thread over there titled "Why? Answer these 2 questions and you may find the truth". But it's totally open to more than the 2 questions I posed.

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