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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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sorry too much to talk about to keep it "short"


@need for an army

well we need one cause the others have one too... utterly retarded circle of doom id say...


@defend you country?

when was there a time someone attacked the us? yeah the british did (well not really lol... they were there before you guys... or well you were those guys... complicated but i support the basic idea of independence in that context) but you could have solved this with a one day strike throughout those 7 (13?) states taking all forts at once and with surprise and blocking off the seaports aswell...



911 obviously was not an attack by the afghanis but some cia program gone wild and out of control, if there would have been an investigation that indicted afghan involvement that would be somin else but as far as im concerned thats utter bs... you should have bunker busted langley instead...



the democracy you talk about is fake... when was there the actual possibility to actively change the politics of your country? sorry there is none if you dont own a bank...



the gov fears the people oh yeah it does, thats why it cuts your rights left and right... but that also means that they stopped serving the people but treats em as enemies to be feared



well those roads are not really in use anymore, they are sight seeing stufff you can walk on...

and yes i agreed that they constucted alot of stuff and also "absorbed" some of the inventions they came along but only those that were useful to wage war... thats my point of critique as i stated earlier...


but you threw up a point that is indeed heavily debatebale, the creation of an entity (economic or political)

one can argue that killing thousands for the sake of a united world is a honorable goal, very well depicted in the chinese movie "hero" with jet lee, yet those thousands slayn will say else


@WW2 didnt give birth to a bunch of democracies, or why was franko allowed to keep his fascist regime in spain while noone gave a damn xcept for some people we would nower days consider terrorists? actually it split the world in two, commies and demos... but in the end both systems do the same... the point is that there is no such thing as democracy and never was, the only thing close to it is swizerland's system and these guys gave a damn about WW2 and just kept on making chocolate and alm cheese

the only thing that really changed was a redistribution of wealth after ww2 and during it... sadly more or less everything was distributed to those that had alot yet...



whatever you mean by "i boasted with my major", you must boast about somin... and what ever you call it you try to advertise your corps here... i dunno but advertising a killing mashine to a bunch of kids is disgusting imo


and plz refrain from telling me id get banned for telling you that i think that its a worthless fight your enlisted men are in, i didnt send em there


yes its a persons right to serve in the military, but its not his right to slaughter innocents and sorry but "he who is out of guilt may throw thy first stone" eh... i have to admit that under fire its hard to decide and its not actually the soldiers fault but he should be aware that hell become a murder and suffer probably the rest of his life due to that and thus should also be aware what he fights for... its not like in the old times where some mongols stormed your village and you had to kill em to keep your daughters alive...


also my "rant" is not directed solely at the usmc but basicly any army and unit...



i could now make a bad joke bout the air force and dezdimonda but i refrain from it :P nevertheless i dont ignore you my love :D


@uncle roe

lol interesting point, of course you honor your comrades and are quite happy if a mortar round saves your butt while hundreds of angry villagers storm towards your position armed with pitchforkes and torches...

im not saying that i do not honor the courage of the fighters but i just see no point in all that poo... sorry...

send in some commandos to take out high profile targets if you need to but stay the heck away from area bombardments and all that crap... thats a guaranteed colleteral creation and thus a creation of enemies not friends


to make it short:

i do not blame a single soldier for what he did during a fight but i blame em for going there in the first place to execute the will of some people who will never even shake their hands or justify that action with somin sufficent, and sorry 911 for example was not a sufficent reason to start a WW.

neither do i think that a war ever changed anything to the better and so far the points you brought up tried but didnt achieve it


but im still open to see an example of an armed struggle doing somin good


the only good thing is that some people start to see how humans can suffer and therefore change their ways of life to the better or even become friends where they were enemies before for retarded propaganda reasons

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Just like any good Supreme Court decision, there will always be at least one or two opinions that dissent from the majority. This is to reflect the truism that the subjects of law, ethics, conduct, and social mores (the application of armed force falls under such a heading)... these subjects are not ironclad sciences, but remain flexible and open to reinterpretation on a regular basis.


The current state of the world still necessitates the presence and periodic usage of armed forces.

The massed artilleries of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 16km to my north, are just one of many reasons why.

There are, doubtless, at least 1,000,000 South Korean citizens who sleep more soundly at night just knowning that my brothers, my counterparts in the ROK Army, and I stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

That makes it somewhat worthwhile, wouldn't you say?

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@ Jaysus


Ok.. so your one of the ppl that think 911 was a big conspiracy.. that could start an entire different debate but my fingers are not ready for that much typing lol..


Lets say though.. just for poo-s and giggles that the afghan land sent the planes into our buildings.. and lets say for more giggles we did nothing.. what makes you think they would not send another plane into a more strategic target.. or any target for that matter.. it's like a middle school bully.. he takes your lunch money once,you quietly apply tissue to your bloody nose and go back to band class.. or this bully tries to take your money and you apply your right foot to his left nut.. i doubt he will try that again,at least not with you.


This may not be the case with all soldiers but i vouch for my unit and the others i have served with when i say we have no choice but to kill the targets we've been ordered to kill. not following an order in combat can end in treason and death for your entire fireteam. out of 5 years of tour i can say i regret many ppl that had to die by me and my units hands,but like the millions of others that joined know.. this is our job,this is what we get paid to do,and when we put in our resume to join and it's accepted.. we cannot simply leave, or make our own rules.. when we join we give up that freedom. it's sad but it's the damn truth.


if you want to rant about the officers that sit on their golden toilets issuing the orders then i'll pull up a seat and maybe even throw out a couple stories as most officers i've met were right out of grad school and had no idea what they were doing. i have respect for few officers. a major here and there. most generals have steel behind their words,but the rookie silver bar Lt's are just "accidental"..friendly fire...but every damn enlisted deserves your respect.. from cooks to janitors,riflemen to engineers. we do what we do because we are told to. think about it for a second. this is not wal-mart.. this is a united states government job. we mess up, everyone feels the consequence.

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damn... didnt you say you were with em earlier? or was that meant in another way... like together with one... or two...? :P



@uncle roe


911 - what conspiracy? dunno if its one... there just was no investigation, you gov said it was al quaida and that the afghans are responsible for them... pity that al quaida was a cia project and not a terrorist group of the afghanis... and obviously the cia is a us agency and not an afghan one... afaik at least but who knows...

also as a former architect of the bauhaus i tell you that its absolute nonsense that these 3 buildings collapsed like they did if there were no explosive charges, thus i have to put alot of doubt into the official and obviously invented story


please dont come with a kindergarten yard equation here... you kick him in the nuts and he comes back to you after school with his bigger brother... better go to the principal and tell him (poor), or learn some aikido and use his fingers grabbing for your sandwich to let him fall down in the mud (semi poor) without clearing him of ever getting kids (tho i must admit not all people should have them) OR best get him some porno mags and make him a friend :P

anyway waging a war with thousands or millions dying is somin else than some guy taking your dinner...

(never understood why anyone would steal someone elses sandwich anyway in our modern society lol... thats disgusting)


again i state that i dont blame a soldier for firing back in a fire fight as i said before but getting in that situation in the first place is his own responsibility (xcept for some countries which still have a draft) as he signed up for it

i also agree that those atop are mostly the jerks tho but who follows em? the soldiers... but as i said earlier aswell i still have to see a good reason for all that dying and suffering xcept the very very weak point which is to clear up the mess from the last war before




i agree that the situation your two countries are in is kinda difficult but lets face it, that situation came to exist due to earlier wars, namely WW2 and then the korea war (japan conquers, us kicks em out, cold war starts, ruskies or/and chinese think its a good idea to take it, us disagree, bang war leading to the division)


but do you think those soldiers can really protect you? just one missile and your history... and even babe ruth couldnt stop it i assume...


the problem is that for every soldier you put there, they put one too... this increases tension and the possibility for someone to make that one lethal mistake and hell would break loose...


problem with that is that even we people at the other end of the world would still feel the effects of a nuclear war apart from the fact that half the world would prolly join in and unload their nukes... boom - earth gone


its hard for me to say but it would probably the best if one side would give up, and we have a saying here "der kluegere gibt nach" or "the clever one will yield"


or if you insist of being the better one send some commandos in and cut of the cobras head... i still think that a peace and eventually unity could be brokered tho (tho i must admit that koreans are hard nuts in talk... at least regarding their daughters :P)


we had a similiar situation here 10yrs ago, GDR vs FRG or east vs west... how did we end it you ask? simply cause the people had enough and stormed the bloody *plzdontbanlol* border and no soldier did fire at them for the fact that those he would fire upon were his own brothers, mothers and children... similiar to ghandis tactics...

it usually works in the end and really deals results... a military solution would have ended our planets existance instead

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The US ARMY, as in real life.


March 1967 to March 1987,


SFC USA Retired


Not bragging just a statement.


Reason, seemed a good idea at the time. No regrets.



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you put up some interesting arguements. I cannot say I agree with some of them.


I sort of look at the world in a very simple way.


If you look at a country like a sheep farm with the flock of sheep moving around on it. If the wolves come it is up to the shepherd and his sheepdogs to protect it. its pretty much that simple.

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@ Jaysus

I don't want to fight about it, though. I meant no advertising the Corps. That goes to the media. "I Boasted with my Major" meant that he placed a bet that most of the people will join the Navy. He hates the Corps for some reason. I bet for the Marine Corps, because i'm proud of it. Just now, i showed him this thread. And he lost his bet and gave me $100. I knew i was goin' to win. I'm planning to quit the Corps. But some of my friends didn't agree with that so I'm thinking right now. About the Arguments, just keep it short. Because it is kinda disturbing for me, but keep it goin' i love some arguments goin' on in my forum! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:



:Salutes: I'm sure you served with pride and honor. But still have have memories you don't want to remember like i do...... :(

Anyone who's been in service or still in service, please do leave a post here and share some experiences. :)


@ Uncle Roe

I always agree with you, Brother in Arms. We are in a separate unit or Division, still we are Brothers in arms. :thumbsup:


P.S. If something do offended you, please do tell it to me. I deeply apologize.


Best, warm Regards,

Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim

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I forgot to put this again.....


I'm not involved on this argument, i don't want no trouble. Please no mocking to Serviceman or Civilians. if you do, there will be consequences from the moderators/admin.


EDIT: I'm going to Camp Pendleton tommorow to help some of our boys from San Diego to be transferred there, so maybe i haven't have a chance to reply or answer any questions.




Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim

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but do you think those soldiers can really protect you? just one missile and your history... and even babe ruth couldnt stop it i assume...


the problem is that for every soldier you put there, they put one too... this increases tension and the possibility for someone to make that one lethal mistake and hell would break loose...

Unfortunately I'm unable to point out the specific reasons why you don't quite have a full grasp of the situation on the Korean peninsula... to fully refute your view would require leaking restricted details of our Force Structure, our Operational Capacity, our Equipment Capabilities, and the current OPLAN for defense of the peninsula in the event of hostilites.


Suffice it to say that you're mostly wrong in your assessment of the situation.


Sadly, the "let's just bumrush the wall" technique that may have worked during the reunification of Germany will definately NOT work in the case of Korea. The Hantaan River is a much more effective barrier to foot traffic than the Wall ever was, and then there's that little matter of a 6km-wide barbed-wire-and-landmine obstacle, better known as the Demilitarized Zone.


Meanwhile, the clever one just sits back, performs regular maintenance on his vehicles and weapons, and waits for the next natural disaster to weaken his opponent's stance even further.

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