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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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Thanks, Mac!


I did! And thanks for your advice. Since i'm only a replacer for a week. Then everything's back to normal, back to watching the recruits. Many of my friends from college are Officers in the Old Breed, not my major though, he's kind of my mentor. I got fast promotions because of them, good training and loyal. Now, i'm celebrating a little party with the recruits(They deserve it after a long, hard day) Got my laptop and played CoD 5 and 4(This is for training as well) and gave the recruits a chance to bother my laptop as well. U'll make a good Drill Sarge this week they say. Well, i don't know truthfully. I'm just doin' what the officers told me. So might get a lil' rough and them.


The Recruits are young and inexperience. I'm starting to think, will they be successful?? I hope so.....

If you are a recruit or an Military Personnel or a former Military Personnel. Please, give some stories from the front or solve your problems here.


A Proud Marine,

GySgt. Tiber Septim

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gratz tiber :)


btw nato rankcode would be OR-7...


be rough but fair to them... i agree with bben on this one... better make em sweat and scream in training than bleed later on...


but beware of the individual in each man... some get motivated if you scream: "you donkey you run as fast as my grandma!" others get motivated if you scream "thats the spirit and now run even faster"

try to find a balance ;)

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vanishing of israel -


ya agreed, your point is what now? that they are not entitled to hate those that kill their children and take their land?

911 and the attackers reason -

so what was their reason to perform the attacks then? fun?

911 obviously was not an attack by the afghanis but some cia program gone wild and out of control, if there would have been an investigation that indicted afghan involvement that would be somin else but as far as im concerned thats utter bs... you should have bunker busted langley instead...

…I’m not quite sure whether you can differentiate between hate based on legitimate grievances and a psychotic anti-semetic crackpot ideology. In your posts you have repeatedly shown an apologetic tendency to justify terrorism through an American/ World Bank/ Federal Reserve prism that purports to maintain global hegemony. By doing so you have become stupefied by relativism, you have become an apologist for a brutal ideology that is genocidal, homophobic, racist, misogynist and imperialistic in its aims. To put it bluntly - you have, in your self-righteous babble, defended those that would in most likelihood want to kill you.


do you think the United States have the right to intervene in all kinds of situations in other souverain nations? and why?

They do not have the right to. Since when did the law supplant realpolitik for foreign policy considerations? Moreover, Saddam sacrificed the sovereignty of Iraq - when he: Committed genocide; removed all tools of accountability; invaded neighboring states; harbored and promoted international terrorism and violated the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.


What do you think? Does a country have the right "in all kinds of situations" to violate the territorial sovereignty of another state? :


the oil price changes of kuwait were a break of a contract signed by them, sadly there is no international court for contract breaks between countries and since talks didnt help war was the only alternative
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you have become an apologist for a brutal ideology that is genocidal, homophobic, racist, misogynist and imperialistic in its aims.


i think you mix my opinion with yours now...

you try to justify exactly what you portray above by turning the downsides of the FED's and friend's actions against its victims


Saddam sacrificed the sovereignty of Iraq

he never had the power to do so... the only one that did was the alliance that occupied iraq

furthermore he never broke any nuclear non proliferation treaties, didnt promote terrorism nor did he commit genocide...

as i told you yet, he lost any nuclear capabilities after israel bombed his reactor, was fighting terrorism in his own land (wether justified or not but the turks, your allies, fight the same guys for the same reasons) and the genocide you mention was a mass murder if you want but definately no genocide...


What do you think? Does a country have the right "in all kinds of situations" to violate the territorial sovereignty of another state? :

its sometimes wise to turn an opponents rhetorical question against him, but not always, in this case you failed, plz read my quote again:

the oil price changes of kuwait were a break of a contract signed by them, sadly there is no international court for contract breaks between countries and since talks didnt help war was the only alternative

therefore its not about "all kinds of situations" but a dilemma situation if you want

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you have become an apologist for a brutal ideology that is genocidal, homophobic, racist, misogynist and imperialistic in its aims.


i think you mix my opinion with yours now...

you try to justify exactly what you portray above by turning the downsides of the FED's and friend's actions against its victims

This is beyond farcical.

he never had the power to do so... the only one that did was the alliance that occupied iraq

furthermore he never broke any nuclear non proliferation treaties, didnt promote terrorism nor did he commit genocide...

as i told you yet, he lost any nuclear capabilities after israel bombed his reactor, was fighting terrorism in his own land (wether justified or not but the turks, your allies, fight the same guys for the same reasons) and the genocide you mention was a mass murder if you want but definately no genocide...

What a tautology. As amusing as it is to quarrel with you, I feel that I can no longer discuss this subject with you. You have clearly demonstrated a lack of knowledge - or/and are being willfully ignorant of the murder of several thousands of Kurds. In either case I don't have the will to continue. Like I said in my other posts, your dogmatic anti-American world view has led you to filter subjects into highly reductionist talking points in order to support your various ridiculous theories relating to international bankers et al.

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and another one bites the dust... pity...


btw i was the one that brought up the murder of those kurds... which was no genocide :P and similiar actions are done by those powers you try to defend here inlcuding turkey, israel, russia, france, england and of course the US, actions that resulted in a "few" more death than that inner struggle in iraq...


and im not anti-american only anti terror and anti pointless wars in the name of power and domination by a few selected individuals... but yeah one could have missed that point

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gratz on E-7 Tiber! now i'm kinda jealous.. i know your same rank as me..but i LEFT at gunny.. your still in lol.. your gonna leave a damn master sergeant and i'll still be E-7 lol. btw i did a little bit more research on what happened if i went back.. it seems i'm in a program for an entire year that selects inactive soldiers to deployment.. so i've been out since last september,,meaning i gotta wait until next september to see if they pick me to go back..i'll just do that.i miss being in but i really don't wanna go back to the front and i just know with my luck that's where i'd end up.


I also would only join again to pick up a trade i haven't learned yet and then apply it into the civi world.. if there are ppl reading this that want to join the military but have no idea what they want to do.. pick something that easily translates into the civilian life. there are many things that can keep you in the military and broke in the civi world. but the military holds alot of trades that you can perfect in the service and then land a awesome job as a civi. i got the default... i was in the military and became a cop.. which is fun but just like the military i am not making good money. i'd like to go back to learn a trade that makes me at least decent cash. Was thinking of switching my MOS from 5811b(MP) to 6092(Aircraft Structure Mechanic). it's a huge change but it's familiar territory. i used to weld and fit. lot of measuring,math,heat,more math,more heat etc.. AND welding pays 20 bucks an hour opposed to my 15.50 an hour as a cop. being an aircraft tech means more than welding..that i know,but i also know there is tons of cash in it for me and i think i'd enjoy it...that or i could sell my body on the streets....(lol)

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and another one bites the dust... pity...


btw i was the one that brought up the murder of those kurds... which was no genocide :P and similiar actions are done by those powers you try to defend here inlcuding turkey, israel, russia, france, england and of course the US, actions that resulted in a "few" more death than that inner struggle in iraq...

You have assumed throughout that I am defending the actions of states, again you show how fallacious you are, you have constantly assumed my positions and argued against them. Not to mention a lack of coherence or structure in everything you've said.


and im not anti-american only anti terror and anti pointless wars in the name of power and domination by a few selected individuals... but yeah one could have missed that point
It's hilarious that anyone would consider your viewpoints serious. Unfortunatley, they are becoming increasingly common on the pseudo-left and are accepted by a lot of liberal thinking people. They should be dismissed as trolling. And you should be out on the streets, shouting and waving a placard.
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@ Uncle Roe

Thanks, Mac! Rank doesn't matter, Roe. What matters is fight for your country and your buddies. Anyway, LOLOL! Sell your body in the streets! LOLz! I saw a person selling his feet when were going back home on long furlough. Heck, he even asked a Marine if he wants it our not..... Anyway, maybe you should be an MP. Most MPs are tasked in the homeland, rather than the front. Well... that's what i know. I've been doin' a little research at Wikipedia, I just known that a Marine like us and the Navy can act as a Law Enforcements while the Army and the Air Force can't. I really just known that. If your looking for cash. Just do it like me... lol, open a poll in the Nexus... :biggrin:

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wow thats an impressive argumentation, i guess with such an eloquent opponent ill have no choice but to crawl back into my troll lair and cry a lil :D



that guy was selling his foot? wth... who would buy some piece of rotting flesh? and how much did he want?

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