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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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Wouldn't take me either because I am Australian.


Also unhealthy and unfit!


Still, if I was fit, healthy and young (it being an emergency and Australia being an old ally) maybe they would change mind.


Still, rather serve in Australian Defence Force.

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  • 1 month later...

Too bad the military won't take Autistics/Asperger's Sufferers.


Maybe that's a good thing though, I don't want to stick my neck out for the ungrateful masses who in all likelihood would picket at my own and my life-partner's funerals. Oh, and there's the fact we're gay as well.


Call me selfish, but I'd just as soon turn my weapons on certain Domestic Terrorists rather than go overseas and get shot to hell in a foreign country.


By domestic terrorists I mean the Westboro Hate Group and similar anti-gay pseudo-religious nut-jobs who overstep their bounds and ignore the very scriptures they use to devise such hateful goals from.


And I simply laugh and facepalm at military recruiting attempts on a gaming forum...


Really, who do you expect to get? Countless pilots for 360-controller controlled Unmanned units?


Nothing against you for trying, it's just it seems a bit counter-intuitive since this site spans across national borders across the world, and most of the Americans on here are either too young or uninterested or other assorted things.


I respect you guys for sticking your necks out to protect us, but I wonder who REALLY appreciates what you do anymore?

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Maybe that's a good thing though, I don't want to stick my neck out for the ungrateful masses who in all likelihood would picket at my own and my life-partner's funerals. Oh, and there's the fact we're gay as well.


Call me selfish, but I'd just as soon turn my weapons on certain Domestic Terrorists rather than go overseas and get shot to hell in a foreign country.


By domestic terrorists I mean the Westboro Hate Group and similar anti-gay pseudo-religious nut-jobs who overstep their bounds and ignore the very scriptures they use to devise such hateful goals from.


I am pretty sure that Bush made that(picketing military funerals) illegal. Fred Phelps pissed one to many people off in Kansas. TBH I don't see anything more disrespectful than picketing a funeral especially one of someone who sacrificed themselves for this country.


The problem with considering them domestic terrorists. is that they don't do anything but protest. They don't go out lynching gays or breaking the law. They just talk big.


Also does anyone else find it funny how that hateful old fart Phelps used to be a civil rights lawyer and advocate? If that is not a prime example of irony than I don't know what is.



Now back I topic, I plan on joining the US Navy here in a couple years. I see it as the best course of action for me going through college and achieving my goal of becoming a doctor. I am going to try to get into Annapolis, which I think I have a good chance of doing. (good grades, experience in martial arts(which they supposedly look well upon), and connections with state politicians.


I see that most people say "Marine Corps" but I think that is BS. A lot of people say that, but I think when it came down to putting pen to paper most people would puss out. Not many people really want to join the marines. They just say it to impress the people around them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Marines are the hardest branch to join, they have a longer list of requirements and higher numbers you have to reach on your entrance exams (physical and ASVAB)


Though as a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy you can work with the Marines.


I joined the Navy (or DEPped in actually) in June, though I don't ship for boot camp for a year, mostly because A-school for Corpsman has a long waiting list.


So where are all the other Navy guys? we're lowest on the poll so far!


As far as my choice an branch there really was no question about it. I really didn't want to get sent to the Middle East in the Army, and the Airforce, well, my dad was a pilot and me and him have a bad history so planes are really not my thing. I love the Sea and boats so Navy was deffinitely my first pick, I plan on becoming a Diver once pass the extra tests you need to take for the job. I'm hoping to get stationed in Japan or somewhere along Asia (And no, I'm not one of those anime nerds who has a duty to make a pilgrimage to Japan).


When you join you end up learning a lot about yourself you'd never expect. I never thought I'd have the skill for a medical related job.

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Retired Navy Submariner here, Nuclear Propulsion Plant Mechanic. Fun times, lotsa drinkin', lotsa trouble makin', WHOLE LOTSA SCHOOLIN'. Seriously, if you joined the navy cause you didn't like school don't go nuke.


Subs are the best, people give ya sh*t about it, but that usually cause theyre to chikensh*t to volunteer subs.

Got nothing but good memories from the boat, minus not seein' the wife and all.....and the smell of boat.


To OHWceta: Corpsmen on the boat got the effin' life, you dont do crap 'cept drills, the monthly inspections, and give people motrin and seasick pills. Goin Diver is pretty hard, but you go down to Florida to try out so its a free trip, push-ups man, if you can do push-ups the rest is cake.

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