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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

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    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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why wage war anyway? that WW3 was prolly just orchestrated by the rothshilds once again... so you guys like killing people and getting killed for the personal gain of some anyway rich mofos? lol... good luck with that...

also regarding blackwater and the like... why not just join the mob? i bet they pay even better than a mear 500 bucks a day...


so how many children and unarmed civilians did you shoot? and may i ask what for? what the *ban me* did some afghani or iraqi people do to you to run around in their streets armed to the teeth with crappy guns? i bet youd freak out if some bearded shicha smoking dudes walked down the broadway with their aks shooting taxi drivers on sight? wouldnt you start planting ieds aswell?


just show me one situation in which armed force actually achieved somin positive? one example? sorry i dont remember one... not one...


but ok lets play your game... id join the coast guard... more badass than any of these wimpy units and they actually do somin good not evil...


and may i express my sincere disgust at a marine trying to get new recruits by posting in a gaming forum? do you really recruit people nower days that can read and write?




to excuse your actions a tiny bit:


after bombing a country back to the stone age so one can sell his stuff and gain control over the area it is of course inevitable to have armed gunman running around as otherwise chaos would break out and the control couldnt be uphold and therefore not be utilized to create wealth... well thats not really a good excuse but its maybe a good reason to wage war AND (not ON... war is terror simple as that) terror on innocents... hey you can buy a new flat creen tv after a few kills :) thats awesome man! or even buy yourself an eastern european housemaid for a few more :)

or just ask some nco if he has some special appointment... could get you a promotion and big whoop in gold for killing some


but actually you will never profit from a war as long as your a soldier... finance both sides and you have a secure income for a few years or at least as long as people are getting killed, hey and even afterwards when everything needs to be rebuild... the funky thing just is that the people who are the ones that profit from wars are actually the same that print the money... so they actually dont need the money... my guess is that this money is more or less used as a lure to get lots and lots of apebrained sheep to play the game and keep em under controle... so basicly you dont controle the iraqis running round but yourself and your homeland aswell... actually i think you do more damage to your country by trying to defend it with your m4 (man i hope you changed to somin more robust) than by doing nothing at all even... you do nothing but to keep those that corrupt your country and your people in power, you dont defend freedom you restrict it, you dont uphold the constitution you cripple it!

if you want to use armed force to help your country do some heavy research and execute prime targets that keep the system of enslavement and extortion in power instead...


heck i would deem myself a warrior type person aswell (i find anything just remotely related to combat interesting and exciting) i guess but there are reasons to fight and there are reasons to love... now ask yourself which of both did achieve somin for mankind? waging war or making love?

well i can say so much:

we would still be here if we never had shot a single bullet but we wouldnt be here if we never loved...


so far so good... now send me a green card... :P

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Not to defend the wars or war crimes of any nation or any culture, ever, but the soldiers have little say in what they do. Some join, others are conscripted, but either way, you follow the orders of your commanding officer, or you are punished. In many armies throughout the years, punishments were very severe, and some led to (or were themselves) death. You can (sometimes) follow orders without killing people, but often, that will lead to your eventually getting killed by one on the other "side" who thinks nothing of killing for his/her cause. Again, that was not meant to defend the wars of any nation or culture.

And actually there are many positive things that armies have done. Notably, the Romans. Yes, they did have slave labor (some of which were prisoners of war) but did the Roman armies not build the roads? Did the Roman army also have many other contributions to their city? Most of their contributions (other than war) were building things like roads and forts, and yes, those had to have been designed by someone (likely not the common soldier), but did the Roman army not build these things?

Yes, the Roman army also did many horrible things. Rape, murder, execution, torture, war in general, but there have been military contributions to the world that were actually beneficial.

jaysus, you are not alone in questioning the reasons and results of war, far from alone, but see also, that there are things worth fighting for, and that there are benefits of wars. No, there are few (if any) wars being fought today for anything that I believe is worth fighting and dying for, and the benefits of war by no means outweigh the negative effects, but there are benefits.

War reduces the population of an over-crowded world. Granted so does disease and other things, and I would rather there be no war at all, but that is a benefit (from a world perspective, for the wife at home who hears that her husband has died, this is no benefit, nor is it for the child who is killed as he is being removed to a "safe" zone). War can also rid the world of people that many would rather not have around. World War 2 ridded this world of Adolf Hitler and many sadistic Nazis. No, the war may not have started without them, but the war did start, and ended (for Nazi Germany, essentially) with Hitlers eventual suicide.

Now, World War 1 almost ended World War 2 before it began. If Hitler had been "six inches...." in a given direction, (I cannot recall the quote at the moment), a sniper would have killed him, and not the person next to him. Imagine how many (potential) conflicts may have been averted by the death of certain individuals in wars. History cannot tell us, because those who may have started said conflicts did, in fact, die, and as such, did not start the war that they may have eventually started.


I do wish that war were not necessary, and that everyone could love, but the case is not always so. I believe that everyone needs to "Make love not war, condoms are cheaper than guns".

I fully expect to recieve some form of warning or ban because of my opinions, but there they are, even though no one asked for my input.



Terribly sorry to go on a rant there ( :blush: ) but I felt that I needed to respond to some of the comments made by jaysus.

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i totally agree on the point of overcrowding lol... even tho we must admit that we do not actually have a problem with overcrowding but with the supply of all these people... the ressources are there to feed, house and make em all comfortable, those in power just dont have the will i guess or dont want to...


as to the romans... actually they didnt invent or create anything of significance, in contrary they destroyed more than they created... we eurotards had roads and all that stuff before em (check britains wooden ways for example which stretched throughout the whole island)... well maybe no aqueducts but we didnt need em as we didnt have a metropolis like rome... on the other hand aqueducts were invented by other people aswell lol (the persians as far as i recall)

just take the parthians, the library of alexandria, the celts and all those i forgot whose culture, wisdom and society they destroyed

they were not even interested in things other than waging war and therefore didnt safe/copy/remember the wisdom they conquered but only used that which was useful for becoming a better killing mashinery (xbows, roads, surgery, etc)


of course we can say that war brought many interesting inventions foward but its also true that times of peace actually created a bunch of more useful items


as to getting rid of morons... well yeah but then ask yourself how these badass bastards got to power... hitler was only able to push on due to the effects of WW1 ("the war to end all wars")

WW2 resulted in the cold war with even more dead aswell as the israel problem

the cold war resulted in a bunch of lunatic ex cias going terrorist (if you may call em that)


its safe to say that every war brought more war and more suffering in the face of slight improvements which mostly can be regarded as useless or "fake" like the abolishment of slavery after the civil war which still lasted till the 1970ties and still continues under a false flag of pseudofreedom whilst being enslaved together with the rest of the population in reality (read a lexica article what slavery is by definition and compare it to the wage-loan-interest-bank-system we live in)


as to the point that its not up to the soldier to decide... well it is... he is the one who enlisted, pulls the trigger and gets a medal for that... i can just get back to my child old crazy ass idea that there would be no fcking war if all soldiers just laid down their arms...

yes they would risk their lives, but what better good is there than to save the lives of others? i cant think of one...


i know an older man for example, he fled nazi germany, came to england to fight those that killed his family and was at D-Day, he never fired a shot and told me that hed rather get killed himself than to kill anyone, a friend of him who also was a pacifist got killed that day, even tho he speaks of that incident with sadness i know that he is rather proud of his friend for staying true to his moral of choice namely to be a peaceful being


or take my father who was forced into military service to be able to finish his exams (yeah the GDR was a crazy ass place if you spoke too much), they did crazy ass poo like burying the guys in the sand so that only the head would emerge... a whole platoon in line... then theys flew over their heads with a neat mil mi hind and fired tracer ammo along that line of head to harden their man... pointless to say most of them became pacifists after that incident instead of becoming hardened warriors lol...


i dunno if these two events are actually in context with this discussion but i think they demonstrate the pointlessness and ridiculousity of war and the whole mashinery behind it from a soldiers point of view...


i also agree on the point that there dont seem to be wars which would be worth it to murder and die for atm...

yet i must say there are things i would pick up arms for, sadly ive yet to see a government which actually steps in to safe the day and not just kill thousands for the personal gain of a few, why for example were the oil fields better protected than the mosks? why does noone go down to turkey to free all those sex slaves? why does noone go to burma and ousts that terror regime? noone goes to quantanamo and frees the children held there as hostages or whatever? why the *ban me* is all our govs do to protect the assets of some rich? like mines, oil fields and such stuff? yeah it might be useful from a strategic point of view (gather ressources) but if that strategy doesnt help anyone but the itself than there is no point in it... what for do i protect an oil field if all it does is pump oil? if the oil would fuel my tank which i would use to stop a massacre id say ok but thats just not the case...


all i can say is: stop being tools! live for you, your family, your friends and neighbours and if you have the energy also for the rest of human kind... dont follow a flag, a cross, a president or another symbol of no significance, follow what is worth to be followed! live... if you need to protect these assets than do so but not just because someone says that you need to or otherwise these assets would be endangered... thats BLACKMAIL...


btw i didnt see your post as a rant, mine was :P and i dont have a prob with rants as long as they are constructive like yours and lets some room for debate... thats afterall the principle of dialectic and the only real tool to achieve harmony, not a gun, not a sword but a nice, feasible and passionate discussion :)


btw2 i actually agree that its incredible fun to shoot a rifle, rope down a building or fly a jet, no question lol but becoming a murder for that is not an option, and murder is every kill thats not needed to protect those assets i named earlier aka family, friends, etc (imo)

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"Freedom is'nt free, its paid for in the blood of soldiers and people who stand in the way of danger". I can tell you this if it was nessesary i would not hesitate for a moment to stand up to the plate and defend my country.


I dont know how service to your people can be maligned like that. Some people are designed mentally and physically to be soldiers as they are carpenters or programmers.


War obviously cannot be condoned but it is a nessary evil the goes with being human.


Many of our freedoms today come from what millions died to achieve in the Second World War, which became the basis for democracy you see in many countries today. Sure there are things happening in other countries that you dont agree with but to some degree the people of that country have let those people come to power.


"People shouldnt fear their government, governments should fear thier people" By this I mean that governments should be there to serve their people not the other way around.


Well about the roads, thats not quite true. the Romans constucted more cobbled roads through the world than any other people of the time (believe it or not, many of these roads are still in use). These roads were used for war because it was much more economical to march soldiers along roads that were cobbled than through mud. They also policed those roads and the cities that they connected to, which generally within the Roman world created stable and efficient economies. they also were the masters of construction building bridges, cities, towns and ports across the world. They were also masters of absorbing and improving technology as they came across it. They also would have much rather pacified an area rather than destroyed it. Dont get me wrong the Roman empire was ruthlessly and brutally efficient when they needed to.


You have also said live for you , your families ectera - well part of doing that is protecting them. Hence you need soldiers to protect threats from the outside and police to protect from within.

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Ok, guys! I think you should shortened your posts here, i'm a little bit confused.



I don't think so. Purple Heart is only awarded once. Anyway, the "I've got to many Purple Hearts" expression is used mostly by my squadmates to explain they got shot a lot or injured by an enemy.



If you have read the earlier post. You should know why, i opened this topic, because i boasted with my major

Iam not trying to recruit people! Oh yeah, serving as a military unit is bad and blah blah blah. Son, do you ever heard the word "Patriotism"? Or ever heard of "Avenge his brother and his friend"? I'm completely disgusted and insulted by your words. Really, you should read earlier post before you even say something. Your words, there could have disappoint lots of thousand enlisted men out there. Lucky you just disappoint a squad, not the whole armed forces. Consider this the First warning, buddy! Then your outta here.


EDIT: If a person decided to serve in the Armed Forces, let him do. It's that person's rights. And you guys should stop discuss things that aren't encouraging and lets stick to the topic.

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I don't think so. Purple Heart is only awarded once. Anyway, the "I've got to many Purple Hearts"


A Purple Heart is authorized for the first wound suffered under conditions indicated above, but for each subsequent award an oak leaf cluster is awarded.

also ignor Jaysus,thats what I do!

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I can remember more than one contractor from each tour being completely liberal and anti war or to the heart a "soldier hater"


It's always funny to watch them quickly turn into "soldier lovers" when all of a sudden bullets are penetrating the wall and you start to remember the sound of mortar incoming. Now i can reason with anti-war. in my eyes every soldier with a brain in his/her head should be anti-war. sure it is our job,but i don't think many of us sit down in our bed anticipating the day we can stay in a warzone for more years than they told you that you were going too.


Many americans truly hate their government and the soldiers serving it.. these ppl hate us for killing other ppl,starting wars and just all around hating on things in general lol.. they don't realize that they are hating the same way.. Those of us that have killed did it because we had to. kids,mothers,fathers,small house pets (lol) yes but they were all equally trying to kill us. would you rather reason with the 13 year old throwing grenades at your unit? trust me when your in the situation your brain works differently. Starting wars?...-

I'm sorry but i am pretty sure crashing a commercial aircraft into the twin towers is not a form of invitation to a tea party.(Afghan)

Sure bush made a ass of himself and gave democrats an actuall reason to fuss when he invaded iraq.. he was kickin ass in the afghan land and got ahead of himself. Many say even now.. "well we started the iraq war so if our soldiers die there, they deserve it".. NOT TRUE.. your american.. regardless of what decision your leaders make you should be backing the soldiers

%100 of the time. we do what we are told too,even though we may not agree with it. I didn't agree with the iraq invasion either,but i followed every last order given to me. why?. the leaders deal with the politics,marines deal with the fighting.


I could go on and on but this is about as short of a post your getting out of me Septim lol..

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@ jaysus...

I actually agree with many of those things you said. Not all though.


I do support the idea that war leads to more war. This appears to have been a constant law throughout the existance of humankind.


And yes, it is possible for a soldier to live through a fight without killing anyone. Though, as I had said before, some who try that wind up dead because the people on the other side had no second thoughts about killing. Sad as that may be, it is true. Fortunately, there are those who lived without the need to kill an "enemy".Several of my relatives have lived through wars (notably World War 2) in the military without needing to kill. My hat is off to those who succeeded in doing that.


Agreed that the romans did not build/invent all of those things, as many cultures had what they needed or those structures that romans "borrowed", but nonetheless, the quality of their work was very outstanding.


Agreed that peace fields more useful inventions, and that war really just seems to find more ways to kill people.


Anyways... Those were some interesting points you made jaysus. I find debate about things like this (and other things, less violent, more important) helps keep a clear head, and a sharp mind.

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