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Wasteland stop and shop


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This mod I'm making will be a wasteland mall kind of thing. So you et your stuff and explore the waste land. You can even have your own locker in the building. There will be at LEAST 3 vendors, and about 10 shopers, of course you might not talk to them all


The only problems I have:


Motivation == low


Dang race glitch


No voices for NPCs

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Why not just expand the vendors in Rivet City;


One next to Flack & Shrapnel

One next to the drug store

One next to the Clothing guy

And maybe one or two others at he far end of vendors.


You already have the space and the setting, other than the "Eye Glass" vendor mod no one has really

exploited or should I say expanded the vendors there.

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Have you thought of a location yet ?

Big Town is smack bang in the middle of the Capital Wasteland, Paradise Falls is to the north,

Evergreen Mills to the East, and Cantebury Commons over on the far west.

The only really empty area is beyond Evergreen Mills stretching all the way from Dunwich right up to

the Enclave base.

This area has a lot of places to explore but no place to rest, the alternate is from Cantebury Commons north

to the Republic of Dave ... all empty.

Perhaps, converting a building in the DC ruins itself is a good idea.

What are your thoughts ?

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Great Ideas! The one in DC will be a bit smaller mod but yea, For the DC one Iwant to capture the Dukovs place feel.

For stop and shop, It will be central area, I was thinging Between Cant-commons Or Republic of dave, or somewhere South west of Raven rock.( Like south a bit of Fort indipendense and west of some other place.)


Right now there is a problem that caused the Mod to stop to a crawl, AI Packages seems to not be working. More info ony my other post.



Thanks for your Ideas!



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