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I've seen some vault mods, but they look unappealing to me. could someone build a standard clean(ish) vault that is medium sized, has multiple rooms and has a working Vault door?
I want it to have a lore friendly, cozy, and non overpowered feeling to it. There needs to be a large diner/kitchen area, multiple bedrooms ( I have a lot of companions) I want an armory that is a bit small, but still has all the named ammo boxes for sorting. Same thing for guns, energy, boom sticks, unarmed and melee. I do not want an inventory sorter, or any kind of auto sorter. No unrealistic cosmetics like aquariums, and swimming pools.

I would like (though not necessary) a quest to it. The vault door would be open, and inside there is no power. There would be skeletons, radroaches or what ever in the vault. You would have to restore a water pump, Life support (Oxygen), and power.

There should be also working light switches, a stove with an ability to cook, and a computer that just cleans the vault.


I hope someone will take time to do this, thank you for reading!


Edit: I want the repairs to be a bit complicated with the repairs and the rest of the quest to be a surprise(No NPCs)

Edited by ANinjaTwinkie
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Sounds like what you need to do is learn to mod and make one, because I'm not aware of anything that meets all of those (rather stringent) criteria.


@ kokow OP said he wanted something lore friendly and NOT over powered, which is pretty much (imo) the opposite of UHNV.


@ OP I am working on a vault house mod that meets many of your criteria. Lots of rooms and levels, plenty of space for companions, etc. However, mine will be fully integrated with Sortomatic, which is an inventory sorter, though use is fully optional. Also not planning on overly complex building quests, but those can be relatively easily added at any later time.


Here's an example of what it looks like for the most part. This is a very early WIP of the place that I made a little while back.


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Sounds like what you need to do is learn to mod and make one, because I'm not aware of anything that meets all of those (rather stringent) criteria.


@ kokow OP said he wanted something lore friendly and NOT over powered, which is pretty much (imo) the opposite of UHNV.


@ OP I am working on a vault house mod that meets many of your criteria. Lots of rooms and levels, plenty of space for companions, etc. However, mine will be fully integrated with Sortomatic, which is an inventory sorter, though use is fully optional. Also not planning on overly complex building quests, but those can be relatively easily added at any later time.


Here's an example of what it looks like for the most part. This is a very early WIP of the place that I made a little while back.


That looks really nice! Really nice work there!

1: Does it have a working vault door?

2: I have little experience with modding and I have no idea on how to make quests!, Plus school keeps me from doing this for a period of time.

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It does have a working vault door, and you can only gain experience by practicing!


The mod is still heavily WIP, and does not actually look exactly like that anymore. However, I do have plans for making some quests for maintaining and such. Just not a whole lot, as I don't like that in my home mods because I like to just be able to move in and set up instantly.


One caveat here is that this is designed and built using A Tale of Two Wastelands (Google it if you don't know what that is) and is being set up specifically as a home for that game, providing places for all of the Vanilla (14 total with TTW installed) companions.

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