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A cheat mod that isn't really for cheating.


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I love Steam achievements, I really do, but have no real desire to play three hands of Caravan, much less 30. Or give up my guns for some fistfights. Or serve Caesar in any way other than being the harbinger of his demise. There are others that I don't want to do, but don't want to have greyed-out icons either.

I've looked in the cheat section and found a few 'nuke 'em from orbit' unlockers that just do them in bulk. What I would love is an unlocker terminal that supports the dlc's as well as having pages of lists where you can select the acheivement that you want to unlock and JUST unlock that one. Or a couple. Or a handful. Maybe a final entry that says 'nuke 'em from orbit' that does them all but, all in all, a mod that lets you be selective.


I've modded Skyrim before and am weak with scripting there - geck scripting seems like an entirely different animal and I've gotten multiple headaches trying to learn via reverse engineering, otherwise I would just build it myself instead of asking for help in here.


Thanks in advance for your consideration, modders, and if you do this idea, you don't have to credit me for it...all I ask is for a PM with the link to te mod so I can use it. Thanks!

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