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The Kajishuen, a Japanese-Inspired Race Concept


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This an idea I've had in my head for a few months now, and after every single attempt to get into Skyrim modding has left me dazed and confused like you wouldn't believe, I've just decided to come and post it here on the Nexus forums in the hopes that someone could pick it up. Basically, what I'd love to see added is a human race inspired the Japanese in terms of equipment, abilities and appearance, added into Skyrim via a new playable race, several NPC companions, and various new pieces of equipment obtained through small quests or possibly a special new vendor.


So, here a few basic tenets of the mod I had in mind that hopefully wouldn't be too difficult to implement:


  • A set of face morphs that would be genuinely based on Japanese facial features and in no way Anime-ish (this is a lore-friendly mod, after all)
  • The Kajisuen skillset would be focused on item crafting, subterfuge and mobile fighting, with Smithing as the Primary skill, along with Alchemy, Enchanting, Light Armor, Alteration, Sneak, and One-Handed as favored skills
  • At least two NPC followers, one male and one female, would be added to the game to help fight alongside the player, and would come with appropriate armor, clothing and weapons (in all likelihood the equipment could be taken from some of the rather nice Samuri-style armor and weapons available on the Nexus, given permission from the authors of course
  • Said equipment could also be obtained from several chests scattered across Skyrim, or from a special vendor in Solitude (or any other coastal city)
  • Several history books would be added to the world in various places that explain some of the lore of the Kajishuen (this is the section I could contribute the most to, since one thing I absolutely love is creating lore and working it into the canon of the Elder Scrolls universe)


I know a custom race and everything else would probably be a lot of work, but it's something that would added a welcome dash of diversity to Skyrim, so if anyone out there would be willing to work with me on it I'd absolutely love to bring this concept to life with your help.

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