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How active is this forum? I need help with a mod start error code. Please and Thank you...

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These are the error codes that it is throwing at me...read the rest of the post if you like...or just give me some advice. The rest of the post if you would like to read it, petty much explains my situation. My last back up was quite a few mods ago. So I Would really like some help removing/fixing this...

Error [modzdialoglog]wmkactionlog.ws(1): Unknown base class 'WmkActionLogConfig'
Error [modzdialoglog]wmkdialoglog.ws(1): Unknown base class 'WmkActionLogConfig'

I am extremely new to witcher3 and modding the game is entirely different than any other game I modded. I only have like an estimate of how manual Kdiff merging work. I installed a few more mods last night there was no conflicts that manually needed fixed. I didn't run the game in between each mod install and I honestly forgot which ones I even did install. I uninstalled the ones I did remember....

But I also don't even know how to get to the merged script code file....I know extremely minimal amount of coding cause I have messed around with auto-it a bit...So looking at the coding for this stuff is just like, I have absolutely no Idea. Mainly on what needs priority and what line of code would be better. I know generally like what brackets and slashes mean from doing the auto-it tutorial and playing around with it in the past....But I am stuck....




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Looks like you're using this mod:


Did you perform all the steps author mentions?

sorry for not getting back to you...lol...i did not actually do those steps i did figure out that was the mod causing the problem and removed it. i highly appreciate the reply. i was wondering if anyone was alive on this forum. i am actually going to make a separate post for this but i am looking for the best video tutorial for kdiff merging. i got minimal coding experience. ive played around with auto-it and like 10+ years ago did use the starcraft 1 map editor quite a bit. but that was a lot of dead brain cells from well pyschonautical experimentation. i would like to learn, but i need something to go off. if i can't find a good video guide i'll probably go back to the auto it tutorial cause its been about 3years since i even used that and no script stuff since. i just got to remember all the terms and how strings work. i have messed up more than once so far.

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