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I want to mod!!!


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Hello, my name is Demitry, and I am the forums guy for my modding team, basically, I'm only a reprentative, and when our first big project comes out, I want to be able to say I helped, not just, I gave it it's name, My tam has marked me up as a lost cause saying stuff like, "Demitry, you don't know sh*t about script" or "get back on tesnexus and ADVERTISE" but I want to say, "Hey, you see that wierd looking blob in the corner, I made that. :thumbsup:



anyway, do you think you could give me a little tips, pleease.

(And I don't just put forums up, I'm a mod tester of sorts too, and I really think I can do this)


Don't foresake me




Ps. I do know about script, I just don't know how to do it :biggrin:

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I like your post. "that wierd-looking blob in the corner"



Now onto the business at hand.

So you know about script, but don't know how to do it?


Is this anything like when i was five, and found out about sex but couldn't do it?

No? ok, moving on then.

(yarkx! girlfriend is over shoulder telling me to ask for tips...)

No tips please.


So can you model? do textures? voice act? order pizza?

All those things are important.

And never underestimate the power of MARKETING. So do what your good at.

If anyone asks, " See that awesome post in the forum? i made that."


Good Luck!

*Note* Read the wikis. its what everyone will tell you.

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hey, im sure if you download the CS construction set, you could easilly learn, I learned to navagate it in 2 days, how to use it, and help the team build stuff. Hey man, my first mod ever was increaseing the size of a beer Mug in a Inn. The slightest change in the gameworld counts as a mod, everyone starts somewhere.
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