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Possibility of unrestricted weapon buffs?


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Hey so, I guess this is a request for how to mod something myself. I was able to mod ds3 after a few headaches, so if someone has the knowhow and can point me in the right direction, I could probably manage.

Basically, I arrived at this roadblock after thinking that a blood mage would be a cool build to try. After some messing around I realized that such a build would (very oddly imo) be unable to make effective use of the spell bloodflame blade. The reason being that any blood mage build is probably going to be relatively invested in arcane and faith, and so it follows that it would make the most sense for that build to choose an affinity for their weapon (I was going for the grave scythe personally) that scales with faith or arcane. *Especially* arcane, as beyond the basic scaling bonus, arcane scaling weapons will have more bleed build up the greater the user's arcane stat. The problem...is that any affinity with arcane scaling (occult, blood, or poison) means the weapon can't be buffed, imbued, or what-have-you. So a blood mage build is effectively either locked out of one of their few (and let's face it, cool looking) core spells, or they are locked out of having a weapon that synergizes well with their build.

I'd like to know if there's some param editing I could do here to remove the restriction on weapon buffing in general (and where to do it if so), or if the issue is more complicated than that. I know Cinders mod for ds3 allowed you to buff/imbue whatever weapon with whatever affinity/element you liked so I would think it's perfectly possible but I wouldn't know where to start.


Thanks to anybody that can help, will probably repost this to a couple of subreddits if I don't get any bites.

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