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[Mod Request] Bulk Disenchanter/Recycler


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This is mostly focused on having the Epic Loot mod already since I guess mobs don't drop much without it or some other mods.

But for me, especially in the later game, I go on long exploration and slaughter runs through the plains and end up with tons of loot to disenchant.

It gets old clicking "Sacrifice" over and over going through a bag+backpack full of items.

Is there anyone who would be willing to make a chest where you could put items into and after you "close" it would cycle through the items put into it and disenchant/sacrifice them using the normal recipe for that?

I guess to avoid confusion really the mod would have to have 2 containers - an input and an output container. Otherwise it would have to be able to tell what you put into it vs what it put into it


If you want to be lore friendly-ish call it an altar rather than a chest. But again with a sort of input area or container and a results or output container.


I was thinking about the post, and I'm not fixated on the mechanics... lore friendly or not is fine with me, as long the end result is something where you put items in somewhere and sooner or later you get the sacrificed or maybe recycled components out somewhere. It doesn't matter to me if it is 2 chests with a lever, or some sort altar or if it isn't instantaneous either. The main point is to not have to stand there clicking sacrifice over and over and over and over and over after an exploration or raiding run.


Well if anyone does build this, thank you very much in advance and at least thank you too if you read it all.

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