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New Combat or Power Armor


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Hi folks i am new and this is my first topic on the site sorry for my bad english.

i would like to ask if some one can make the red faction 2 soppod elite guard armor for fallout 3 becuase i think it is really cool and it would fit quit well in to the game

what do think ?

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or how about this its the fallout tactics Power Armor


in my oppinien i think that this is the best power armor ever


i think the same like you that the best is :smile: power armor :biggrin: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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Actually I just spent a few hours searching for a Midwestern BOS Power armor Mod for Fallout 3, and registered here as a last attempt, and the first post I see is this one.


Would it be possible for modders to make the Midwestern (Tactics) Power Armor available for Fallout 3? If it is possible, is it possible to add things like the cape?


My first post actually.



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