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vampires have dark face


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i'm having an issue where the vampires in my game all have the dark face bug. selecting them and doing "setnpcweight 1" fixes it, however i don't want to have to do this for every single vampire npc, it's kinda annoying. i have no idea what mod is causing this issue. here's my load order https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/mod-load-order

Edited by MiraakDovah
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Some NPC overhaul mods can do this, as can general complexion/appearance mods. When I used Oldrim, I believe that my initial offender was Etherial Elven Overhaul (many others since - in LE and SE). I think that I even had a perk mod that affected races cause a vampire black face bug. Many times it is simply a load order problem.

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Some NPC overhaul mods can do this, as can general complexion/appearance mods. When I used Oldrim, I believe that my initial offender was Etherial Elven Overhaul (many others since - in LE and SE). I think that I even had a perk mod that affected races cause a vampire black face bug. Many times it is simply a load order problem.

i edited the post with a link to my mods. so far i've deactivated apocalypse, ordinator, apachii sky hair, eyes of beauty, and interesting npcs, none of those have worked. i'm not sure what others would even effect vampires

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It could be any mod that affects head parts, and doesn't correctly address vampire head parts. You could look at disabling the Vampire Eyes fix, the Toughened Traveler (if this is about the Dawnguard traveler), or the HG brows. The other possible problem, I don't know if some of your vampire stuff may already be 'baked' (saved) in your save game, and not correctable by simply disabling a plugin and restarting. You will just have to try it.


If you know how to use SSEEdit, you can try this mod Dark Face Issue Reporter (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42133). It can help you find the problem file(s). Checking your LO for conflicts in SSEEdit may also be useful.


There are other mods for dark face issues, just search for 'dark face' on the SSE Nexus site.

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