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Avalanche, Tifa and Aerith Request


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Hello. I have two mod requests, if someone would be interested:

The first is for Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. It always bothered me that they pretend to Jessie's mom that they work in other professions, yet they're sitting at the table wearing armor and ammunition holders. Would it be possible to create skins of their vanilla outfits but with all of these items removed (including possibly Biggs' and Jessie's bandanas as well)?

Second, would it be possible to make pajama-like outfits for Tifa and Aerith, wearing clothing items that girls may wear around the house, such as short shorts, tank tops or shirts, and nothing on their legs and feet? I think this aesthetic would fit well with the scene of Tifa in Cloud's room in the Sector Seven slums and Aerith in her house as Cloud is trying to sneak out.

I'm not sure if anyone reads these mod requests. The pattern looks to me like they tend to go unread; but if anyone would be willing to create these skins, that would be excellent.

Thank you.

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