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Prevent automatic forced leveling


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Basically, just enable backing-out of the level-up screen. This lets the user train in between levels if they let them accumulate instead of being forced to take it all at once and wasting valuable training opportunities and/or severely unbalancing their skills.


In vanilla, if you have accumulated multiple levels without actually "leveling up", you are forced into leveling up all at once. One screen after another, no backing out. This is a really, really terrible system. It isn't terribly uncommon to hear "My brand-new level 13 character who piddled around and never saw combat gets their ass kicked every time they leave town because all the bandits learned to lift! Help!", and this goes especially for thief-type characters. It would be really useful for players who practice a lot of non-combat skills, newbies who haven't had the chance to learn their lesson yet, or even just players who enjoy taking long breaks from combat if you could just refuse to level up by exiting the menu. The you can go train, come back, accept, back out, rinse and repeat until you're on par with the baddies again.


I've seen this mod requested a few times before via google search, but as far as I know it's never actually been done. I'm not sure why that is exactly, but if it's at all possible, the tweak would be extremely useful.

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