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I keep getting my hp reduced by 1 by Pip-pad, Pip-boy 2000, and Tactical Tablet mod


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Can anyone help me? I installed Pip-pad and when I'm at completely perfect health, no rads or anything at normal difficulty, when I open the pad, I see my hp is reduced by 1 point. It also happens to other handheld replacers mentioned on the title. I have tried a new save and even a complete reinstall and all mods turned off except Pip-pad and the bug still happens! FO4edit shows no conflicts aswell. My mind is messed up by this and I have no idea how to solve it! Does anyone know a solution? Mod author hasn't responded a few days.


Edit: Here's a video I made showing concrete evidence https://youtu.be/EmbIUMgegDs

Edited by leotheEliteMajor117
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