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Racemenu keep resetting the hair whenever I load a preset


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For whatever it's worth...


I don't currently suffer from this, but at one time I had a similar issue where I'd set a hair style, then once I exited racemenu after my changes, I was back to my original hairstyle.


Going out on a speculative limb, is the hair in question made for your bodytype, and has the hair been "built" in Bodyslide with the build morphs checkbox checked to generate the racemenu "tri" files? It's possible Racemenu is balking at some missing info. (also check the associated mod page to make sure there aren't patches for the hair style you're using.... one never knows until one knows...)


Secondly, are you "high poly head" or using default head assets? if high-poly, there might be mismatch there as well.


Thirdly, if your custom saved preset is based on someone else's preset, (ex: my female is based on a foundation of one of the r246 presets - avatar above), make sure the source preset is appropriate for your body and head type. They are not all created equally. Some expect one body type vs another. Some may even expect a particular race.


and finally, it's possible your preset got dinged long the way (don't ask me how. I'm not a biologist!). I struggled for a long time with certain features either not sticking upon preset save, or randomly auto-setting themselves to wrong values....the source preset was screwed up internally. I copied all the important settings from racemenu (a bit tedious), then went back to an earlier iteration of the preset and "rebuilt" her present self. No more weirdness. (except for an intermittent golden body effect that happens if I equip any slot-32 piece, which I rarely do anymore. I've resorted to artificially high armor values on other items of clothing armor and beaucoup enchantments to offset the lack of primary armor, the only real irritation (believe it or not) being that she's bare chested all the time unless I put on a Keung's fur poncho which uses a different slot number but covers her body)... Point being, presets can get "corrupted" with bad info,

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In addition to the advice above: Keeping track of everything isn't always that easy: Make sure you use the latest version of Racemenu - especially if you're on AE. Expired, the creator of Racemenu, did a great job with porting this essential mod so fast. But the first versions did have some issues. So, always keep Racemenu up to date.


Before you accuse me of stating the obvious: Lately, I spend over an hour trying to find out why I couldn't generate "seasonal" LOD textures - until I noticed I was using an older version of XLODgen, not the current one I had already downloaded (but forgot to install)... :ermm:

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