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Quick fix for Concord silly early PA & deathclaw fight.


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Can't believe no one has done this yet? At least I couldn't readily find one. There are a few mods out there which tweak the PA, but half of them pimp it up, and none seem to fix the deathclaw fight with a less-high enemy. Whilst it would be difficult to make a mod which does away with this whole silly out-of-sync gamebreaking early showcase bullcrap, I'd have thought it could be easily hot-fixed by reducing the PA to a mostly stripped frame and replacing the deathclaw with a super mutant.


Oh, and probably reduce the minigun ammo so after you've gone gungho and unloaded it all into the raiders, you've probably none left when the super mutant pops up, making your heart sink as you realise you should've husbanded your weapon & ammo better. Obviously it'd just be a basic mutie. All in all just enough to give you a taste of things to come, rather than the out-of-place spoiler it is now.

Edited by streetyson
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Whereas some say that the Concord Power Armor > Minigun > Deathclaw scene is a fantastic n00b intro to some of the franchise icons !


6 years later with a shortage of n00bs, research suggests that the majority audience wants to amp the combat experience UP not down.

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SKK50, I don't think you understand - this is a mod request thread. Not a "hey, I disagree with your idea and want to let you know" thread. If you don't want to help then go away. Regardless, I am not a noob. I've been PC gaming since the 1980s, not new to the Fallout franchise and already completed one very long FO4 playthrough. The scene in question is widely regarded as very poorly conceived, putting you into PA, giving you a minigun and meeting a deathclaw all gratuitously far too soon, just to showcase the game rather than fit it's pacing. I'm merely suggesting a mod to hot-fix the game pacing a bit. If you don't understand any of that then thank you for your non-contribution and good day to you.

Edited by streetyson
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