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New Hard drive, forgot to backup mods


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I had to install a new HD on my computer because my old one was out of space for my games, but i forgot to backup the skyrim mods i had. Is there any way to put them back?

When i go to the Mods section of NMM, all of my mods are still there, and they appear to be installed, but they really aren't. Can someone help me? I had over 150 mods and it would be pretty hard to reinstall them all by hand. I uploaded some pictures to show the situation:


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try clicking the version link that will direct you to the download page, and you can download them again.

you could just write down the mod names, re-install the NMM and get the mods again...

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NMM should have been installed in a Games folder on the C: od D: drive of your choice. If you still have the old drive you can simply copy the whole folder to the new drive or reinstall NMM and copy the contents of the Nexus Mod Manager folder on your old drive to the new drive and reinstall those mods in the order the mod authors suggest.

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