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SMIM, Skyrim 2020, Conflicts


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Hey guys,

So I'm trying to install Skyrim 2020 Parallax graphics mod with SMIM, also creator said I should install older 2018 version with bugfixes, for that you also need to install High Poly Project, and after all is installed there comes trouble... Conflicts on every single mod. He said I should "Overwrite" every other mod with Skyrim 2020 but I don't know how to do that, it allows me to choose wich mod should load "before" or "after" and I'm not sure what to do, anyone has any idea how to set things up? I have tried the "Use Suggestions" button but it doesn't do anything. Please guys help me out, thank you.


Link to screenshots - https://imgur.com/a/Icsiayh

Edited by Gorekid
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In Vortex, "load after" means "overwrite", "load before" means "let other mods overwrite this mod". Don't bother with the other options, you won't need them in everyday modding.


Usually it's best to handle conflicts on a "per mod base". In the "mods" tab, click on the small red lightning symbol next to a single mod. This will show the conflict solution window. I'd probably do that in the following order:

1. Set SMIM (this is your "base" or "fallback" mod) to "load before" everything, that conflicts. IN fact, you can click on "before all" at the top.

2. Set High Poly Project to "load after" SMIM, but "before" Skyrim 2018 and Skyrim 2020

3. Set "Skyrim 2018" to "load after" SMIM and High Poly Project.

4. Set "Skyrim 2020" to "load after" everything.


Short explanation: The terminology in Vortex is derived from plugin load orders. If two or more plugin modify the same record or the same item in game, the data in the plugin loaded last "wins" over the ones loaded before. Hence the wording. In the case of meshes and textures, of course only one asset can be loaded at a time. In this case, "load after" really means "overwrite". But the basic principle is the same.


Don't give up. Vortex can be challenging at the beginning. Once you know how things work, it's a powerful and reliable modding tool.

If you need some guidance, there's an excellent video tutorial series on Vortex by Gopher:



The tutorials were made for a previous version of Vortex, but its basic functionality and look hasn't changed much since then.

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You can also post your problem on the Vortex forum on this site.


I am always puzzled by why so many people who use Vortex seem unaware of the Vortex forum on this site where you can get expert advice on just about any aspect of Vortex from the very people who developed it.

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