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Creation kit: Apply Combat hit spell


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I've been recently fiddling with the creation kit and modding. I noticed this modifier can be used to apply spells to melee swings. I can only get it to apply "on touch" spells to this category. I would like to apply a self buff using this modifier.


My question is this: is it possible to use this modifier as a trigger and somehow buff the player with an effect? Or, how would someone go about making a buff to the player then trigger on a melee hit against a target ?





Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 6 years later...

hmm. Trying to make the "The Reaper Comes" perk in the Ordinator mod as a lesser power that activates with a melee swing. Let's see if this "Apply on hit" works for it.


The "Reaper" is an NPC that come into existence from some seconds only after you activate a calmed npc... so i hope it will still work if i remove calm as a requirement.

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