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How i can scan NPCs (corpses) in the whole world ?

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So also from this side no simple solution.
Thanks for the hint.

If I understood correctly, all NPCs that have been modified by scripts (and as in my example added VoiceType),add properties or aliases created by quests are permanent.

So the question if they are permanent Actors has been clarified.

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>If I understood correctly, all NPCs that have been modified by scripts (and as in my example added VoiceType),add properties or aliases created by quests are permanent.


Nope, thats not right at all.


The actor must be referenced as a persistent script property or variable from itself (which is just bad when "self" exists) or an exteral script or held in a quest reference alias to become persistent. Or be unique, or has the Mustpersist keyword (may not actually work), or be assigned to the PersistAllLocation, or be spawned using PlaceAtMe [ abForcePersist = true ], or ... shits complex, what ?

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