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nerf power armor movement


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i would like to do this myself, i tried, turn out I'm an incompetent.


my thought is to slow the hell out of the power armor to give a reason not to get out of it.


ideally the sprinting speed would be the fastest regular speed jog.

the max regular speed be the slightly faster regular walk.

as well as dropping the sneak speed to the slow crouch walk,

and jump height halved


ideally power armor would become something you put on when expecting heavy resistance, and become a pain in the ass to be in just "running around" and exploring.


i think it would be another interesting change to make the power armor unable to use regular weapons, ie only able to use laser/plasma, heavy weapons, stuff that the power armor hand could actually fit inside the trigger guards of, but i expect that to be nigh unpossible with out screwing up the ai and messing with story crap with the BOS and Underboss


if someone could make the edits for the speeds and post as a mod i would be eternally grateful, or even point me in the right direction

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