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I sometimes find myself using the console to use god mode or kill off other npcs. I hate doing this but its just so convenient and makes things so much easier.

Anyone else find themselves doing this?

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Yeah one of the things I find my self doing it opening the console as soon as I start a new game. Normaly its to up loading a set of mithril armor and better weapons then you'll find under the prison. Also later on if I can its to use the god command and actor copy function on an orge and fill a room up with then so I can lvl my weapon, armor or destruction magic skills to 100.

it would be easier if I could just get some NPC to stand still for two hours while you hit/cast at them after leaning a hex tool on the related key.

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no, why cheat?Takes all the fun away from the game,if you can't stand getting killed once in a while ,I quess you need to find something else for relaxation.

Now my real answer, its your game,play it the way that gives you the most fun! :biggrin:

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console is like a drug :) hehe. I don't use it while i play "sreiously" but when i have 15 min spare with nothing to do...well a little TGM and PSB never gets boring in the IC market disctrict! :D
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Yes. I hate doing it...I don't mind dying I just end up reasoning with myself "well its just this one time..." its a horrible habit...like smoking...only without cancer.

More of an in-game cancer...anyway...

I'm trying to stop cause it is making the game less and less fun.

I tcl alot too...I need to stop that. Or unlock doors alot. Gr.

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I don't use the console but I do find myself sliding the Difficulty bar down a few knotches when things start to get too difficult. Does that count as cheating?


i hope not. I did these a few time and i acctualy felt bad about it. Like i'm not able to play and that i suck. xD

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I think this is kinda like cheating :]

I mean its not anything like using the console...but unless you're absolutely stuck its cheating.

Like when I was fighting umbra...I didn't have other saves to revert to...and when I tried running away

I died with one hit...and I had no potions or anything, so I had to do it.

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