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Freyane the Body Proud Barbarian mod for Skyrim SE


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Can somebody please convert this dead but hot follower mod from Skyrim LE to Skyrim SE?




File is here: https://mega.nz/file/V0NiBKyK#FxLg8BVlebzUhK6a8dBUycjQCnZgipkvA49CXV7I24w


Somebody did for some Russian Skyrim community site, but the skin textures was horrible! I could upload that mod file if

somebody can heed my request.


A ready for any body mod version would be nice. I would love that she can be used as a character preset too.


I would love to do it if I got some programming skills.

Edited by jedinavs
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  • 2 years later...


It might be three years later but you can convert LE mods using Cathedral Assets Optimizer (CAO). Thank you for your download link. I also found it on a Russian site but I still wanted to try the one you shared first.

Just download CAO, unzip it and your mod, open CAO and set the folder directory to the unzipped mod (just under "Data" folder), press run and it's done. You can see potential options for some adjustments if you want but it works.

Hope that helps.

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