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Body and face scars, Pleeeeease!


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good body that is scared is the Conan CM body and just change the file name in the texture file there you go....Use that body, and body builder meshes there you go hulk scared thing...


I would like to a face scared very similar to the Witchers Face Eskel another Witcher


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  • 3 years later...
Djangos Unique Features is what you're looking for:



What stops me about Djangos is that it's not a mod, it simply replaces stuff in your folders. So if you don't back them up, you can't get rid of them without a reinstall. The OP should keep this in mind if they have glamour mods, and the sight of thier goth bretons with acne is annoying after the first one.


You can get rid of them just by deleting the added files from Djangos. The originals that were over written are still in the oblivion.bsa packaging, so no back up or esp is needed.

Edited by Daniel_shougun
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