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Help needed with Camera attached meshes (CoT patch)


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For this mod: Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch - Fog Rain Overcast ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39799/ )


More specific, the camera attached volumetric fog effect ( current beta )


The problem is that the fog vanishes after opening world map and doesn't re-appear when returning to game. Looking over vanilla meshes I cant seem to figure out why. I have tried to do an autoplay, loop, fadeout on it ( as that seems to be the only difference ), which works on an experimental version, but the fog still goes away after opening map ( it's also visible on world map, the fog that is ). Another problem is that the fog suddenly vanishes when weather transitions out, but I suppose that's related to not having a fadeout(?).


If anyone has some insight in this as to why vanilla camera attached meshes do not suffer from this and mine does, please feel free to drop me a message.


At this point I can safely say I am stuck as all my attempts so far have failed.


Thank you in advance for any help, hints or suggestions!





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I think it might be doable with scripts. I don't know if there is an event such as "OnMapOpen()" or something like that, but if there is it would likely be possible.


How is the fog currently implemented, exactly? Run me through it as I'm not that familliar with weather in the CK.

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It's a Magic OnHit effect which is attached to the player camera during foggy weather... no scripts or anything. Much like the vanilla fog effect, or blowing leaves which are triggered during certain weathers. The weather form allows for this to be attached on a per weather basis in the CK with a start/end time during weather transitions... to bad it doesn't fade in/out though, but I can life with that...

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