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How to make quest variables appear in dialogue?


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Just as the title says I just want to know how to make quest variables appear in dialogue. For the project I'm working on I make heavy use of the randomizer feature and I want parts of some dialogues to reflect that. In my particular context there are NPCs that will ask for an "x" number of a certain product when they talk to you.


I think the way it's done for the player's name is like %playername% or something like that so I just need to know the equivalent for quest variables.

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Maybe, and I am saying maybe because I have not done so, you could use NVSE and MessageBoxEX. Drop out of dialogue, MessageBoxEX, then back in to dialogue. Or perhaps just pop MessageBoxEX over the dialogue, might look bad though.

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I'm not really comfortable using the NVSE functions if only because I'm not confident with my ability to use them. Also because I can't find as much documentation on the functions.


But anyways I'm comfortable with the way I'm doing things now. Thanks though. Maybe I'll experiment with that function later cause to be honest I don't know what it does. :P

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Actually, MessageBoxEX did get all the options, just we don't have as many format specifiers as Oblivion got.


I went and documented as many of the NVSE functions as I could find here. I keep it up to date as much as possible, and make corrections when I see mistakes, so it's always getting updated and fixed and having more info added.

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