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Two ideas for the mods.


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So the first idea:


Player must be in hate standing with the Legion for this mod to work.

The story:

The assassintion squads that the Legion has been sending after the Courier have failed.

They are no match for him\her.

So the Ceasar decides to hire outside help.Professional mercenaries.Best of the best.

25 000 caps for the Courier's head.The hunt begins.

The Courier is about to meet his match.Tough all in good armor and well equipped for this fight

mercenaries begin to stalk the Courier through out the Mohave.


The mod itself is several really tough enemys to fight.Random encounters.

And of the mercs decides to play unfair.He kidnappes several children and sends a message to

the parents:only the courier and no one else.Each of the mercenaries will try different tactic to

kill the Courier.






Second idea is inspired by Terminator SCC. TV show.

MAt mister House's Lucky 38 awaits bodyguard cyborg.Female.

She has no feelings and preservations.Her mission is to protect the courier from all harm.

At any cost.As the story with this companion progresses she becomes more and more human.




Thats it.I really hope someone will like this and begin modding.

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