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TesModManager will not create Omods...


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I just downloaded TesModManager from the Skyrim Nexus site. I noticed it has surprisingly few downloads compared to Oblivion Mod Manager. It doesn't seem to be setup to work properly on installation and I am wondering why. I am running Windows 7 and have it set to admin (also right clicked and run it as admin).


It appears that it is compressing the zip files in some format that it doesn't recognize maybe (see picture 4). Shouldn't it be compressing into Fomod or Omod format?


I am getting two errors (pictures 1 and 2). There are a number of settings on TesModManager and I have no idea what they should be set at and cannot find a readme anywhere for this application.


Am I missing something? I tried NMM also and it apparently is crap used to download mods automatically. Forgive me if I don't trust Nexus or Steam to install my mods for me, I have had issues with that in the past. I just need a mod manager that works for Skyrim. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


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