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Realistic needs and diseases compatibility issue


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Hi all,


I try for many days ago to have some meats from animals being recognise from rnad as good meal.


Mainly , wolf meat, bear meat, sabertooth meat and other.


I work on load order, install patche i found arond rnad, caco, hunterborn but never get this work fine.

With bonus, when i run loot, i loose all vegetables compatibility for rnad and i do not have idea of what could do this.


I play with caco, hunter born, campfire, rnad and no more mod which act on food.


Did somebody have any idea of what i could look for please ?

Thanks for reading.


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As far as I understand your problem; You need to drop 1 piece of the food you need, get it in your crosshair, press the configured button, (i think default = "0"), then you get a kind of menu to tell the mod what kind of food it is. After that you can pick it up of course.

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