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mechapt2 - BANNED

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mechapt2 banned

Multiple accounts
Aggressively belittling other members and their contents
Entitled behaviour
Remark that can be contrured as discriminatory toward a group of people

mechapt2, join date 17-March 2022, 4:20PM, last active 07 Apr 2022, 7:38AM
mechapt, join date 21-November 2010, 8:20PM, last active 19 May 2018, 3:43PM

Comments via the account mechapt2 (excerpt)

18 March 2022, 8:42PM
The radiation suit being purposely recolored in a mod merely meant to fix bugs is pretty weird though.. And sorry but It looks awful, and the visor thing is definitely not a fix lol
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I just realized if I don't boot up the game via Mod Manager 2 it doesn't boot up with the mods because it doesn't install them in the data folder.. I guess this is why I accidentally didn't start the game with the mods... That's so f***ing stupid... I hope I don't get anything truly gamebreaking :l

The radiation suit being purposely recolored in a mod merely meant to fix bugs is pretty weird though.. And sorry but It looks awful, and the visor thing is definitely not a fix lol

20 March 2022 - 04:29 AM
Why does every single enemy AI mod ever made for Fallout 3 in 13 years have to also edit a bunch of unnecessary bulls***??
Increased jump height? Uh?? I just want enemies to not charge at me, that was it...
I'm so on the fence about using this... Some of it really seems cool and some of it is f***ing stupid...
Edited by mechapt2, 29 March 2022 - 01:52 AM.





25 March 2022 - 08:46 PM referring to 1017954, post 107045018
... this game fixing patch containing idiotic personal preference changes
... you inspired me to learn how to learn how to fix your game fixing patch
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Sure, just remove my comment regarding this game fixing patch containing idiotic personal preference changes instead of acknowledging that they don't belong here at all.
At least you inspired me to learn how to learn how to fix your game fixing patch which led me to being able to tweak other things, thanks for that I guess.

25 March 2022, 5:12PM
... but these kind of changes that aren't objective, direct fixes just don't belong here at all
... People downloading this don't want anybody's personal tweaks
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It's pretty obvious that the texture created for the visors wasn't meant to be 100% transparent...
If I had to guess bethesda played with the idea but ultimately decided against it due to it not looking good at all and just disabled it because that is the easiest way to do it.
Also I've since noticed you added cut content armors to the game even though they are just namechanges of the originals with exact same stats?
I really appreciate the effort of bringing the *mod* up to date but these kind of changes that aren't objective, direct fixes just don't belong here at all.
People downloading this don't want anybody's personal tweaks, they just want things to work as they were originally intended.

25 March 2022 - 08:13 PM in response to post #94945398. #103466588, #104069813
... keeps adding stupid s*** to the mod
... then removes comments complaining about it because he's too much of an autist to realize
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Probably because the author of the "updated" *mod* keeps adding stupid s*** to the mod that have nothing to do with fixing things and then removes comments complaining about it because he's too much of an autist to realize why personal preference tweaks don't belong in it.

Pertaining mods (comments 25 March 2022)

Last updated 12 August 2009, 4:08AM, original upload 09 February 2009, 4:16AM, 266,566 unique downloads, 622,042 total downloads, 17,095 endorsements, last endorsed 10 April 2022, 5:58AM

Last updated, 26 March 2022, 3:11PM, original upload, 18 June 2013, 4:22PM, 853,762 unique downloads, 1,786,128 total downloads, 69,358 endorsents, last endorsed 10 April 2022, 9:11PM

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