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So for some reason most of my companions don't want to attack or follow me when I enter combat. Their tactics just seem like they're turned off but they are clearly enabled. I have a feeling it may be related to the Advanced Tactics or Custom Number of Tactics Slots mod.


- I have tried switching tactics presets between damager, default and my own custom preset

- NO my companions aren't set on hold I guarantee you

- I'm using the Dragon Age Ultimate PC version of the game

- This even happens on my Warden

- Even if I target a companion to attack an enemy, they just stop doing anything after I switch to a different controlled party member

- I have tried disabling the Advanced Tactics and CNTS mod then force loading my savegame but that didn't seem to help.



Would anyone happen to know how to fix this? The game is just unplayable for me right now.

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Alright I think I have a feeling I know what might have caused this. I was doing a mage collective quest but was having problems, someone told me that it might be caused by the advanced tactics mod, saying I should turn it off for this particular instance. I force loaded a save file with that mod disabled but I saved over it and so I think that caused some issues.


Any way to fix this?

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