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BOS themed stained/dirtied winterized T-51


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I'd like to add RP to my high-ranking BOS character that mostly dons non-BOS PAs, especially T-51s. RPing that my character would find it most important to not be FF (friend fired), then add some stealth. If possible I'd like that there be 2 models of it (or more),

  1. with little artistic abilities and crude paint implement, something that a mechanic with very little artistic experience did it 5-10 times on cardboard before doing it on the character PA, something like mi7pH58.png, and
  2. someone that spends a decent portion of their off-time doing art (ie 1/3 to 1/2) that's given a limited on-duty time to do it (ie 1 hr) with a better paint kit, but not fine (ie something to make large store signs)

For the stealth capabilities, I'd like either stain or dirt to be crudely applied, something that shows part of the original winterized texture, either

  • throughout the PA similar to someone applying fine white lines all over a gray PA, or
  • it being well applied on the worked areas but some areas (ie near the edges) were not worked on.


Thank you for your consideration


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