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Moving the camera


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Hey guys

I'm not sure if there is a topic sticky somewhere about this, I'm sorry if there is you may move/delete and redirect me if so


but anyway pretty much, I used to play a lot but haven't for a VERY long time and I need to take good screenshots but have forgotten the command you type into the game so that you can move the camera around your character...It sounds so silly to be asking this but my brain isn't working right now lol.


if anyone knows what i'm on about it would be great to remind me what it is im sure i'll kick myself when you tell me :P


I actually did some research since no one knew either (by the looks of it) and found my answer


SO here we are for anyone else wanting to know:


Hit ~ (thats the bit I remember)

it comes up with consol for entering text and commands


Type in TFC -This toggles free flying camera on/off

Type in TM - this removes health bars and icons from the screen allowing a nice clear picture


For more info please see this Link - OBLIVION COMMANDS

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