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Hello, my name is Echis and I have been driven to the edge of insanity.

You see, about 3 days ago I stumbled across this picture




I instantly fell in love with this Khajiit, however, over the past days I have been unable to find the mods

used to create this regal looking leopard, I know the sword, but the armor, skin, eyes and body completely elude my search (there are many mods to look through) I have a sickening suspicion that it is impossible for me to get some, or all, of these things togeather.


Thus I have come here, in hopes that this is the correct forum for said plea of assistance in finding and re-creating this piece of art.


If anyone has any information on any of the things in the picture, please tell this soul where I may find said things, or perhaps even the name of the mods used would be helpful in itself, blindly stumbling through pages upon pages of mods has lead me running into many brick walls.


This one thanks you very much for any assistance.

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This is not good news, very saddening. Thank you for the information.


Perhaps however not all is lost, there may still possibly be hope for the armor and eyes yes?


The general lack of nice Khajiit mods is also saddening, although not completely unexpected, such things could be considered furry I suppose, and thus related to the stigma that is so often attached to such things.


Well, thanks again for that information.


And again, this one appreciates any information on all things related to said beautiful picture.

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Nope, penis. And thus related to the stigma that is often attached to such things.



a) I could be wrong, it could be someones else

b) But if I'm right, then someone might be nice enough to share the mod with you, I however don't have it and therefore can't.


Now that I think about it, the armour looks like one of hers as well. To be honest it's kind of hard for me to tell because I only skimmed trough her galeries; I remember thinking to myself that that's some great craftsmanship but it didn't really suit my tastes, so...

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Ahh! Cease, bringer of bad news!

Alas, this is indeed what this one was afraid of, that said mods where probably no longer attainable.


This ones search for noble / regal looking Khajiit shall continue.

However to hear that such work is gone is highly saddening, and puts a damper on this ones enthusiasm of finding things.

Perhaps this one shall one day create such works, however unlikely and laughable the thought.


Again, thank you for the assistance.

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I'm pretty sure the whole lot is all Slof's work - which is a shame, as she's withdrawn her mods, mostly due to the hate received from the immature brats (who have no problems whatsoever with over-endowed stark naked ladies), which unfortunately do happen to show up around this place, who couldn't handle the exposed male genitalia.


The only way you're are likely to get the mods, is to hope that someone shares them with you.

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From the tone of that reply, this one should not delve into the depths of this history.


However, this brings up several questions, such as-


1. How would one come in contact with people holding said mods?


2. Would Slof be angered by this one seeking mods after she has pulled them?


3. Is there a way to contact her to get her permission to acquire these mods? ( This sorta ties into the angering her)


4. Should this one leave a hornets nest lay, and simply find other ways to sate Khajiit fascination?


5. If 4 is yes, does anyone have names of mods that are of similar quality for Khajiit?


Thank you for your assistance, this one did not expect such fast replies.

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Male genitalia http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/i/imslow.gif


PENIS! Nuff said.


Anyway. the body's probably roberts male body . in case you don't have that all ready.


You know, I really hate modders leaving, even if I'm not using their mods. Especially if they pull their mods. Now I do understand that they've got no obligations to leave them in tact, but I still can't shake the feeling that it's not really "right", you know?


And someone's that has them's bound to read this.. eventually. Wait arround for a day or so.

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Yes I think that would be Slof's Clouded Leopard. The armour is possibly

a combination which includes one of her Xiviali collars from her Goth armour

collection. It may a single outfit which I have lost from my collection.

Much of her earlier armour was done in collaboration with various mesh makers.


She also had a very nice dark "Tabby" style Kajit texture which I use.


Sharing files is apparently O.K. but not uploading.

If I am incorrect then I stand corrected in advance.

I can't share effectively because I am on dial up.

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Hmmm.. Very well, this one shall sleep, and the dawn will perhaps bring new hope in this subject.


Roberts male body will be thoroughly researched... and while this one feels slightly perverted saying such things,

it gives hope that this one may emulate the Khajiit, if one cannot fully re-create it.


This one is quite new to this place, however it seems a terrible waste of talent to find that such work could be driven off because some people do not enjoy the work, and while this one understands the internet is not a forgiving place, things like this only hurt those of us that where not privileged to have been here when such things were available.


This one has begun a rant, so it shall sleep now,


Thank you for your assistance.


(p.s. why is there such a lack of Khajiit mods? most I have found seem to wish they where no longer cats at all!)

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