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I wish a Damage Threshold mod


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First sorry for my bad english.

What I want is a mod that reinstates the threshold stat to fallout 3.

You know what I am talking about. Here i a couple of examples:


Power Armour




Leather Jacket




Metal Armour




The first value is the threshold value witch automatically reduses some off the damage, the second value is the damage reduction value witch gives a procentually damage reduction after the

the threshold value has done its part.


This made the weak weapons almost wortless against power armours

For example the 10mm pistol


10mm Pistol Damage 5-12


The 10mm Pistol could only damage a character wearing a power amour if i made a critical hit. You needed a mouch stronger weapon to deal with strong armour. Like a plasma rifle


Plasma Rifle Damage 30-65


This old system gave the game a feeling realism I really liked.

I am a little annoyed that in fallout 3 annyone can kill a character in power armour with any gun. Just shot him/her with enough bullets and he/she will die. :(


With a threshold stat mod I that you will be scared as hell when you se people in good armour. Expessially if it is the enclave and you only have a combat armour and a Chinese assault rifle.


It would also be cool if the Treshold value would degrade such as the armour value.

For example:

100% Enclave power armour 12/40%

50% should have 6/20%


Thats all folks! I hope one off you modders out there sees this post and puts it to reallity.


Plese comment and discuss

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