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Error warnings question regarding tree graphics


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Hey guys


Currently I try to make this mod fit for Skyrim AE (privat work): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18795 ready.


The problem is: Always in 8 of 10 times (guessing) when I walk from Goldshire to Northshire, my game is crashing. I assume that is because of a error like this:


"SHADERS: Compiling Vertex Shader: Utility RENDER_SHADOWMAP, TREE_ANIM, RENDER_SHADOWMAP_CLAMPED, SHADOWSPLITCOUNT=3, NO_PIXEL_SHADER, - TechnicID: 67158016 SHADERS: utility failed id 0400c01b"


My Creation Kit throws tons of this error out, but I am just a worldbuilder and npc designer, if we like to say so. So... What does this error even mean? That a tree is missing a specular map .dds, or something else? And how can I fix this?


For help I would be happy.


I tried already to fix the ctd problem with this mod in Skyrim SE by deleting the unique armors, scripts, navmeshes, packages, xmarkers, npcs and so on and even I deleted on this way many errors, the ctd error still persists. I hope he is finaly fixed after I fixed the problem above, because my editorwarnings spits really out thousands of such errors, after I loading Goldshire in the ck as example.


So I wish everyone a great day and hope someone hear has enough knoweldge about graphics, to tell me the path I need to go, to fix this.

Edited by taryl80
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I tried it now, but even this tool couldn't help.


Still ctds, on the way to northshire abby. Also the original mod author wrote about weird random ctds, he doesn't understand.


A while ago, a other mod author fixed this problem. There was for a few months, a new version of this mod avaible for skyrim, or skyrim se (I don't remember anymore), unfortunately this mod author got banned and his mod deleted because he used ripped assets from other games without permission, far as I have read.


However, in his version was that bug not anymore. He had also other trees (I believe even the original ones, but I am not to 100% sure, since I don't know how WoW looks inside its files).


Guess to find out, I will also need to check and maybe fix the tree meshes or maybe replace the trees with other avaible trees from other mod authors and that will be a pain in the a** by the forest from elwynn :|

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If you want an easy and fast way to replace the trees, choose for each custom tree a vanilla replacement and write the corresponding name of the object window (exemple YourCustomTreeBig replaced by vanilla TreePineForest01).

Then, in the CK, in the render window, on a cell with no objects, place one of each custom trees. Click on one and press Ctrl-F to open the Search&Replace window, select "Wildcard" on the tab. Write the vanilla name on the second line and select "Current World Only" - then OK.

That's it! All the model of this tree will be replaced in your worldspace.
Do this for each custom tree.

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Thanks for the tip, but I have already delete every tree and finished now the forest of elwynn with around a thousand new set trees. It was exhausting, to be honest^^.


There happen still ctds in the worldspace, but at least I can rub out now the tree problems.

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I just converted it and I can't seem to recreate the crash. I walked from Goldshire to Northshire Abby and didnt have any issues.



I noticed there are no map markers to the Northshire abbey and the place to return to Skyrim, so i placed them along with fixing a couple of armor glitches. This mod is definitely in very early alpha stages. Needs a lot of work to be of any use.

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Yes, it is definitively in a very early stage and I think also that the original mod author tried to make everything at once and burned out on the way.


At the moment I'm at recreating the deleted things (besides Quests and Scripts, they are not planned to be recreated).


As said before, I set new trees in elwynn, navmeshed elwynn and stormwind new and I finished the tradedistrict from stormwind on the outside (interiors are still not made). My goal is to finish every zone, the original mod author once begun but I am not sure if I can ever release it, because that depends on how bug free I will get this mod and if the original mod author allows it.


The whole eastern kingdoms or kalimdor I will surley never do. I mean look alone how huge the forest of elwynn is... It has already the size of the whole tundra left of whiterun on the map, even it looks much smaller (imo).


Anyways thanks for your upload, I will take later a look at it. I need to go to my work now^^.

Edited by taryl80
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I just saw it and thought "mmkay... That is also the better version?" :smile:


Have you also no ctds if you walk up to lakeshire? Always after I pass the cross between the elwynn forest, duskwood and redrige mountains towards lakeshire, my skyrim ctds and that is annoying af after all the work I had already put in.


As example I have already finished duskwood by now, inclusive the twilight zone in duskwood which is not accesable in the original mod. At the moment I'm trying to finish redrige mountains but it is damn hard to do it because my system almost always (9 of 10 times feeled) ctd after I pass the cross to lakeshire.


In the editor.txt I'm getting messages like this: PERFORMANCE: Queued ref 'AALakeshireRoger' (03025C09) of type NPC_ took 2030.35 ms to PostProcess. This may cause a hitch in segment 'UNKNOWN'.


I will further trie to solve this problem but it is damn hard if you not really know where the problem is.

Edited by taryl80
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