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Error warnings question regarding tree graphics


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No, I walked everywhere checking out every place and I never had any CTD issues. I noticed you said you started working on it prior to converting it with CAO. Since there were changes made prior to the conversion it might have corrupted something during the conversion. Not sure though. I would have to look at it.


In the version I just uploaded I added updated textures to use if you want to use them for your changes. They should appear in the editor. You are right though the place is huge. He put a lot of work into what he had done so far. I fixed 2 of the quests also.

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As for your error. AALakeshireRoger is one of the child NPCs. It must have had some converting issue. Try removing that actor. The mod creator made multiple copies of the same NPCs without changing the names and placed them everywhere. Which might cause an issue also. I haven't noticed any problems but that might be something you look at also.

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First to say, thank you for your effort.


I can careful say now, that the bug is maybe gone. I deleted some npcs and npc markers and a ton of 3d rocks. copy and pasted your textures and meshes and now it seems to work. I am a bit skeptical at the moment because - as said already before - the ctds had not happen always, but I hoping for the best. I will do test runs to the redrige mountains today and tomorrow to be sure.


I certainly want to finally finish the redrige mountains.

Edited by taryl80
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