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Some help with an odd visual issue please


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Hello everyone,


I'm about 95% done with my mod and have a few issues still plaguing me.


First, a visual oddity that appears in-game. I can't find anything in the area in the GECK that would cause such an anomaly.




Take a look at that blue, square shadow on the ground. It appears regardless of the time of day, and only when you move the mouse and view it at a certain angle. There's no overhanging structure casting a shadow except for a few small, irregular spaced landings connected to the stairs. The anomaly is solely visual; it does not impede player movement or appear to have any interactive effects with other game elements.


Second, is there any way to get the GECK to update texture sets? When I make a new .dds, then create a texture set, it works fine in the editor and the game. However, if I edit the .dds file and save it, the changes don't appear in the GECK unless I close the GECK down and restart it. Is there a way to get it to 'refresh' its texture cache?



Thanks for any ideas.

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To answer number 2:

Save then RE-OPEN Fallout3.esm + w/e else.

it should work (Vista is a (female dog curse word) if you use it)


To answer number 1:

Did the blue square appear when YOUR mod, or is it another mod doing so.

-If it's your mod check into it with FO3EDIT see if there is a texture you never inteneded to implement.


-if you can't find anything I've nothing else to add, my knowledge only goes so far.

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