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Stopping the problem before it begins, appropriate usernames.


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I noticed this ban today:


I'm not challenging the ban itself, but I am challenging why it happens in the first place. Why don't we have a filter on the name choice itself? This would save admins the time it takes to ban people like this.

I'm not sure how automated that process is but I'm certain it can't be that hard to run a check before adding the user's name into the server. Just compiling a list that would block a combination of characters would work fine.

I'm just kinda wondering why we don't have something like this? Or do we?

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I think it's something that only the IP Board can do, given that resetting usernames is apparently quite a hassle for the admins here. Not sure it's Robin's domain to implement such a filter.

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Putting a filter just removes the obvious ones - and actually penalizes some ligit names - For example, a guy that goes by Dickerson could be blocked :rolleyes: And the filter would miss many less obvious names. Like Jack Mehoff. :facepalm:

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Jack Mehoff

*giggles like a little girl* :teehee:


You know, I actually went to school with a guy whose last name directly translates into an expression for a certain female-only organ that is also an expression used for cats (you know what I mean). Poor guy gave a bad first impression when the professor asked his name, I found it amusing though. :laugh:

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