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Community mod?


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ok i need 1 person to make 1 of the following catagories. if you want to make more then good on you :thumbsup: if 2 people want to make 1 of the catagories then you 2 will be put in contact with each other & the 2 of you can work it between yous. 2 heads are better than 1? this can be for everyone to get involved so dont think you cant add something?

pls pic 1 & pm me for the details.


i also dont intend releaseing this till all parts are accembled & the full mod is compleate. testing will be done by 3 already chossing ppl "mod vets"


monster\creature ncp, enemy, new build.


outfits \ clothing ect. part new build.


wepons, 2 off, new build.


veichle "non driveable".

will just be static sitting in the 1 place & looks like a single decker bus?. new build.

there will be 2 of these. i sitting in location "fort Constantine" & the othere to be put on the new map.


a new map. like the pit?

probably the size of megaton or smaller. very simple with a road & 2 structures.


2 vaults. 1 level.

there will be objects passed onto you to be incorperated into the vault 1. by misc objects builder.

this might need someone with experience.

valut 2 will be a forgoten about pre-war storage base where the militry stored all the stuff thay didnt need ect ect you get the idea. probably in Fort Constantine someware.


3 misc objects. new build.

will be able to provide some stuff i found from another mod?. "abandoned but credit still go's?"




once youv done your work i will collect the files & the full mod will be put together. all credits will be due to everyone who helps.


anyone who dose the work can & will be included in the "put together" phase if thay request it. pls anyone who gets involved in this, keep it to yoursels & dont give away any spoilers??????????????

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need to add that there will be 2 monster\creature ncp, enemy, new build. 1 enemy & 1 freindly.


also this if from a tv series. but not just, as there is more than 1 tv series intertwined to make the full mod?

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