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Problems with Hats on NPCs


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Hey I was wondering if anybody's ever encountered an error where when you put a new skin on an existing hat (or use a custom one out of a plug-in) it won't position correctly on NPCs. Instead of sitting properly on the top of their head, it'll just float in mid-air to the left side of their head at a 90 degree angle. Has anybody ever encountered this before? Or more importantly, know how to correct it? Thanks in advance for any help anybody can offer.
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Head items use a secondary "mesh" .egm file (located in same place as the base mesh for the item) that is used to translate how they fit on a character.


1) Extract the other files in the item's Mesh folder.

2) While in GECK, click [Character] > [update FaceGen Model Availability] (This should fix the issue, but it very well may not, if you do not have the .egm extracted... I know it has had no help with my trying to edit a completely custom hat, but that's another issue.)

3) Search is your friend: 'Headgear Problem in geck, , Headgear Problem in geck apearing sideways on head.'


Hope this helps... if not, you may want to try the official forums' search engine.


SangRahl has a point, "Search is your friend"

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